The images below constitute the pages (I have not included the blank pages in the document) from Manuscript Cgm 3179 Genealogie und Stammbuch der Familie Raitt bis 1683 contained in the Manuscript Collection of the Bavarian State Library (BSB) and which I paid to have digitized. The BSB have put up the entire document on their website and this is accessible at
The pages give five Coats of Arms (some with “mottos” or descriptions in Hebrew and Greek - possibly Russian) and mention a number of Raitts. Unfortunately, as can be seen the text is faint (the document is some 350 years old!) and is written partly in Latin as well as old German. Since I was unable to read (and thus translate) much of it myself, I have paid to have the 17th century handwriting transcribed and translated into English. The translation plus commentary by myself and the translators is provided on the Bavarian Raitt Translation page. On a separate page I have put the names of the Raitts mentioned in the document.
Genealogy and Register of the Raitt Family
up to 1683