Site map and recent updates

Home/Introduction to this site
Raitt name (meaning, variations, people)
Raitt Coats of Arms and Crests
Other Raitt arms (mainly Bavarian example)
Related Coats of Arms (families related to Raitts)
Other Coats of Arms (more distant ancestors and relatives)
Heraldic symbolism of Raitt Coats of Arms
Raitt context (how our family history fits in)
Biography of Gervaise de Rathe
Other de Rathes (possible family members)
Letters referring to Andrew de Rathe
Rait Castle - owners and occupants
Tours of Rait Castle (mentions in the local press)
Rait Castle photos MODS
Raitt residences (Hallgreen, Red Castle, Anniston House, Dunnottar, Drumtochty)
Other Raitt locations (places associated with the name - Rait, Raitts, Raith, Rath, Rhaetia)
Features/places named after Raitts
World Raitts (quick access to country top pages)
William Reat - Jacobite Surgeon
Hallgreen Raits of Angus (branches in Cononsyth, Pitforthie, Inverkeilor)
Alexander Raitt (Secretary to Earl of Mar)
Arbroath Raitts (John Raitt/Jean Meikison and James Raitt)
Alexander Raitt (elder brother of John - wife Mary Stormont)
John Raitt (1805) (and Elizabeth Dorward - my great great grandparents)
Elizabeth Dorward Raitt (my great grand aunt, married W. R. Doig)
Margaret Phillips Raitt (my great grand aunt, remained single)
David Dorward Raitt (my paternal great grandfather)
David Raitt (eldest son of David Dorward Raitt) MODS
John Purvis Raitt (youngest son of David Dorward Raitt)
William Raitt (middle son of DDR and my paternal grandfather)
William Raitt’s children (my uncles, aunts and cousins)
David Raitt (my family)
Raitts of Conon and Colliston MODS
Raitts of Liff, Benvie and Invergowrie
Hallgreen Rait family tree (includes Angus descendants)
Lanarkshire Raitts (Raitts from Arbroath; Raitts in Coatbridge)
Raitt families in the 1841 and 1851 censuses
Raitt Christian names and occupations in 1841
Early Raitt family trees in Angus
All Raitts in early history (or many of them)
Military Raitts MODS
Raitt Master Mariners (being a seaman in days of sail)
Requirements for Certificates of Competency
Arbroath mariners (related to the Raitts)
Other Raitt mariners (not from Arbroath) MODS
Raitt Mariners in Napoleonic Wars NEW
Captain Charles Raitt - Court of Enquiry NEW
Raitt wrecks (the shipwrecks suffered by our ancestors)
Margaret Rait - American whaler NEW
Raitt relations (families my Raitt ancestors and relations married into)
Purvis family tree (my paternal great grandmother’s paternal side)
Wilkie family tree (my paternal great grandmother’s maternal side)
Scorgie tree (my paternal grandmother’s paternal side)
Sangster family tree (my paternal grandmother’s paternal side - includes Robertson)
Kelman family tree (my paternal grandmother’s paternal side - includes Lawrence)
Smith family tree (my paternal grandmother’s maternal side)
Willocks family tree (my paternal grandmother’s maternal side - includes Hutcheon and Doig)
Lindsay family (my maternal grandmother’s side)
Lindsay tree (my maternal grandmother's family tree)
Jean Lindsay (my maternal grandmother)
Ormonde family tree (my maternal grandmother’s first child)
Taylor tree (my maternal grandfather’s side)
Herbert George Taylor (my maternal grandfather)
McKee tree (my paternal aunt’s side)
Carroll tree (my paternal uncle’s side)
Guest tree (my paternal uncle’s side)
McAneny tree (my paternal uncle’s side)
West tree (my paternal aunt’s side)
Hanan family (my maternal granduncle side in New Zealand)
Maternal ancestors (my female bloodline - Skair, Mollison, Stewart, Duncan, Drummond, Lindsay)
American Raitts (including Rait, Reat, Rhett)
Raitt name variations in early censuses
Raitt families in the 1880 US census
Raitts down on the farm (Raitt farms 1870/80 censuses)
John (Dorward) Raitt (my paternal great grand-uncle)
Orville Dorward Raitt (grandson of John (Dorward) Raitt) MODS
James Dorward Raitt (my paternal great grand-uncle)
Elizabeth (Abbot) Raitt’s life story
Elizabeth Raitt’s story of the Blizzard of 1888
California Raitts (including descendants from Manitoba, New York, Aberdeen)
California Raitts from Manitoba (George Hutchen Raitt and sons)
California Raitts from South Dakota (descendants of Granville Raitt from England)
Archie, Walt and John Raitt (singer/actor John Raitt and brother and father)
Iowa Raitts from Maine (George Raitt from Maine and descendants)
Iowa Raitts from New York (Robert Raitt from Bovina and descendants)
Maine Raitts (Captain Alexander Raitt and descendants)
Maryland Raitts (John Raitt and descendants)
Michigan Raitts (the Raytowskys from Poland)
Mississippi Raitts (Thomas Raitt and descendants)
New Jersey Raitts (Samuel Bowden Raitt and descendants)
New York Raitts (different families there including my own)
Bovina Raitts (descendants of Thomas Raitt in Delaware County, NY)
Virginia Reats (James Reat, silversmith, and family)
Wyoming Raitts (John and George Raitt from Aberdeen)
Raites in Iowa, Colorado, California (John Rait from Wishaw)
Raites in Wyoming, Iowa, Kansas (James Rait from Wishaw)
Pillars of Society (biographies of IL and ME relatives)
William Raitt, granite cutter (family from Aberdeen in IL, RI, CA)
Manitoba Raitts (William Raitt’s descendants from Scotland)
New Brunswick Raitts (Alexander Raitt and MN descendants) MODS
William Chalmers Raitt’s History of the Raitts
From New Brunswick to Jamaica MODS
Quebec Raitts (David Raitts descendants from Fife, Scotland)
Australian Raitts (top page)
Amy Raitt's letters to Base Records
English Raitts (top page)
Hampshire Raitts (Colonel Charles Robert Raitt and sons)
Lyttelton Raitts (James Raitt’s descendants from Arbroath)
Nicaraguan Raitts (descended from Oswald Raitt of Nairn)
South African Raitts (top page)
Genealogy and Register of Raitt Family up to 1683
Bavarian Raitt translation (English translation of manuscript)
Some Raitt family ancestors (photographs) MODS
Some Raits and Rhinds from Aberdeen
California Raitts family photos (Archie, Walt and John Raitt)
Some modern Raitts and relations (photographs) MODS
Some Raitt family graves (photographs)
My yDNA (Oxford Ancestors)
My mtDNA (Oxford Ancestors)
My YDNA (BritainsDNA)
My mtDNA (BritainsDNA)
My Ancestry DNA (Ancestry)
Raitt blue-eyed boys (and girls)
Statistical Accounts of Scotland
Other pages
Raitt anecdotes (stories about ancestors and relatives) MODS
Raitt blog (musings and commentaries) MODS
Raitt readings (various books I have read for background) MODS
Raitt timeline (what was happening where when Raitts were around)
Raitt writings (poetry and short stories by various Raitts)
Scotland’s prehistory (life some 20.000 years ago)
Web sites (of interest for further research)
World Raitts (top page giving quick access to countries)

Recent additions and updates
11 April 2023
• Preserving Rait Castle
• Features/places named after Raitts
• David Dorward Raitt's rescue
• New photos added to Rait Castle, Ancestors, Modern Raitts and Graves pages
• Additions to Raitt blog
• New pages for Herbert George Taylor, Grenadier Guards and WW1 experiences
• Lindsay pages updated
• Modifications to California Raitts from South Dakota
• Several new pages in Australian Raitts: Charles Henry Raitt; Raitt siblings in NSW
• New page for Hampshire Raitts (Colonel Charles Robert Raitt and sons)
• New page for Russian Raitts
• Addition of Belinda Raitt to Raitt Writings page
• Various minor corrections and additions made to several other pages

Potential forthcoming additions
• Pages on Ohio, Montana, Wisconsin, Texas Raitts
• Pages on Dundee Raitts, and Doigs
• More on Conon Raitts
• Page on Raitt criminals
• Pages for Irish, Indian and Jamaican Raitts
• Additional pages for Canadian and NZ Raitts
• More details of other California Raitts
• New material on Rhaetia
• More on armoria and heraldry
• Raitt name variations in British censuses
• Updating of family trees
• A possible link to the name Raat
• Details on the Raitts of Arbuthnott
• Individual pages for my cousin’s spouses’ families
• Individual pages for my American Raitt Scottish ancestors
• More detailed pages for related families such as Dorward, Stormont, Kinnear
• Gazetteer of place names associated with the families in Scotland
• History in the making at the time of the de Rathes
• Page on families that I am trying or intending to follow up on

This site map gives an overview of all the pages in this site and supplements the navigation pane at the top of each page. Every page could, in fact, be on the navigation pane, but this would make it fairly unwieldy, thus I have given only the site map (and home page) from whence others are accessible. The little home icon at the botton of each page also returns you to the site map - useful where the pages are lengthy to save having to scroll back to the top.
The pages on the site are not necessarily in the order given in the menu below, but I have tried to give some semblance of hierarchy and hopefully provided sufficient links on each page to other relevant pages. A few of the entries below are duplicated in different places for convenience. If I have missed some obvious links then please let me know. Clicking on the blue page titles in the menu below will take you to the appropriate page. Although on other pages these hyperlinks are underlined, I have chosen not to do so on this page for the sake of (what I hope is) clarity.
Additionally I have provided underneath the menu an indication of the major updates to the site to show what has been recently added or modified. In the menu itself I give the word NEW to indicate what pages are newly added and the word MODS to show that major modifications, additions or corrections have been made to that page. If I have only made insignificant changes then I have not specifically indicated them, though I have mentioned them in the site update list. And right at the bottom of this page I note what material I hope to add in further updates.