The Raitt timeline

This timeline gives the dates for various Raitts in history (in licorice black) together with world events, inventions and great names (in midnight blue) at the time they were living. Also included are Raitts and other family members who are more directly related to me (in strawberry). See also all the Raitts in history (up to 1700).
938 - Earliest mention of (the now county of) Angus
954 - Earliest mention of The Mearns (Kincardineshire)
1004 - Unsuccessful Viking raid at Gamrie, Banffshire
1012 - Murder of Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, by Vikings
1040 - Macbeth crowned King of the Scots
1050 - Macbeth makes pilgrimage to Rome – only Scottish king to do so
1057 - Macbeth killed at the Battle of Lumphanan
1066 - William the Conqueror of Normandy invaded England and crowned King – start of French influence in names and etiquette
1086 - William I initiates survey of England known as Domesday Book
1095 - First Crusade to restore Christian rule to Holy Land
1098 - Agreement between Edgar of Scotland and Magnus of Norway that the Norse should hold Western Isles and the Scots the mainland
1099 - Siege of Jerusalem
1118 - Order of Knights Templar founded in France
1124 - David I crowned King of Scotland
Bef 1129 - Village of Rait in Gowrie (Perth) mentioned – defensive, estuarial settlement
1147 - William Marshall born - reputed to be the greatest knight in the world
1149 - Second Crusade
1164 - Death of Somerled Macgillebrigte
1170 - Murder of Thomas a Becket
1178 - Arbroath Abbey founded
1194 - Arbroath harbour built
1209 - London Bridge (with houses and shops) completed; Albigensian Crusade
1215 - Magna Carta
1241 The Mongols invade Hungary and Poland
1248 - Seventh Crusade
1249 - Alexander III crowned King of Scots
1251 - Alexander III married Margaret, daughter of Henry III of England
1258 - Baghdad sacked by Mongols - 100.000 slaughtered
1260 - Rait castle built near Nairn
1263 - Alexander III defeats Haco (Haakon IV) King of Norway at Battle of Largs
1265 - First English parliament
1266 - Treaty of Perth – sovereignty of Western Isles (Hebrides) surrendered by Norway to Scottish crown
1271 - Ninth Crusade; Marco Polo visits China for first time
1272 - Edward I ascends English throne
1281 - Margaret, daughter of Alexander III marries Eirik II of Norway
1286 - Margaret, daughter of Eirik II and Margaret, becomes Queen of Scots
1290 - Margaret, Maid of Norway and Queen of Scots dies in Orkney aged seven
1292 - John Balliol adjudged rightful King of Scotland; Sir Gervaise de Rathe was Constable of Inverness Castle
1295 - Franco-Scottish treaty of mutual defence against England
1296 - Edward I of England invades Scotland, deposes King John Balliol, and removes Stone of Scone to Westminster Abbey; Gevaise de Rathe and his brother Sir Andrew de Rathe, as well as Sir Roger de Rathe, paid homage to King Edward 1st of England; Sir Andrew de Rait/Rathe was a member of Edward I’s household
1297 - William Wallace defeats English at Battle of Stirling Bridge
1298 - William Wallace becomes Guardian (Governor) of Scotland
1300 - Population in Scotland is about 400.000
1304 - Scots submit to Edward I
1305 - William Wallace executed
1306 - Robert the Bruce becomes King of Scotland
1314 - Battle of Bannockburn - Scots defeat English
1320 - Declaration of Arbroath
1328 - Treaty of Edinburgh-Northampton
1346 - Sir Alexander de Rathe killed at the Battle of Crécy; cannon used by English for first time; Edward III defeats Scots at Battle of Neville's Cross
1348 - Black Death reaches England
1350 - John de Rait becomes Bishop of Aberdeen; Black Death plague kills some 50% of British population
1357 - Treaty of Berwick
1360 - Rait lands in Gowrie lost to Crown – de Rait family move to Hallgreen in Angus
1371 - Robert II becomes King of Scotland
1376 - Hallgreen castle built at Bervie, Kincardineshire
1378 - David de Arrat sells lands of Arrat and Brechin by charter to Thomas de Rait, Lord of Ury (Aberdeenshire)
1396 - Barony of Rait (village) granted to David Bruce – descendant of Robert the Bruce; Battle of the Clans at Perth
1405 - Andrew, Thane of Calder (now Cawdor, Nairn), killed by Sir Alexander Gervaise de Raite who fled to the Mearns (Kincardineshire). All Rait lands in Nairn, Inverness, Moray were forfeit.
1411 - Battle of Harlaw
1413 - University of St Andrews founded
1421 - Chinese fleets sail around the globe – Australia, Africa, North and South America
1437 - Murder of James I at Perth
Abt 1450 - Mark Rait (son of Alexander) marries heiress of Hallgreen (Dunnet family) and inherits the castle
1451 - University of Glasgow founded
1452 - Leonardo da Vinci born in Florence, Italy
1454 - Andrew Rayte had tenement (estate) in Glasgow
1469 - Orkney and Shetland ceded to Scotland from Denmark
1478 - Sir Thomas Rait, chaplain, St Andrews
1490 - David Rait of Drumnagair marries Ms Arbuthnott
1492 - Christopher Columbus lands in America
1495 - University of Aberdeen founded
1500 - World population is 450 million; population of Scotland is 500.000
1508 - Printing arrives in Scotland
1509 - Henry VIII crowned King of England
1513 - William Rait killed at Battle of Flodden (Field), Northumberland
1532 - central law court (college of justice) established in Edinburgh
1533 - Mary becomes first female Monarch of England
1558 - Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England
1560 - Scottish Reformation - nation becomes Protestant;
Church of Scotland established
1582 - University of Edinburgh founded
1585 - James Rait was the minister in Nairn and surrounds
1587 - Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots
1588 - Spanish Armada
1592 - David Rait, principle of the College of Aberdeen and of the house of Hallgreen, marries Elizabeth Allardice (daughter of Laird); University of Fraserburgh chartered
1595 - Elizabeth Rait of Hallgreen marries David Arbuthnot
1597 - wife of Andrew Raitt testifies in witch trial of Janet Wishart
1600 - Formation of East India Company; population of Scotland is 800.000
1603 - James VI of Scotland inherits English crown and becomes James I of England; Union of Scottish and English crowns
1605 - Gunpowder Plot (Guy Fawkes) to blow up Houses of Parliament and get rid of Scots surrounding King in London
1607 - First English settlement in North America at Jamestown, Virginia
1610 - Galileo discovers moons of Jupiter and observes rings of Saturn; US population is 250
1613 - East India Company opens first trading post in Japan at Hirado
1614 - Japan issues edict against Christians (Jesuits)
1615 - William Shakart gets master mariner certificate
1616 - Act establishes schools in every parish in Scotland; death of
William Shakespeare
1619 - First African slaves arrive in United States
1620 - Pilgrim Fathers arrive from Leiden in Holland to establish settlement at Plymouth, Massachusetts
1632 - James Rait born in Aberdeen
1635 - Alexander Raitt born (possibly Kinnell, Angus)
1636 - David Raitt was Principle of King’s College, Old Aberdeen
1639 - Outbreak of Bishops’ War in Scotland
1641 - Elizabeth Rait (daughter of William Rait of Hallgreen) marries Robert Arbuthnott
1643 - Taj Mahal completed in India
1646 - William Rait of Hallgreen marries Janet Arbuthnott
1649 - Charles II passes Act in favour of William Raitt, Laird of Hallgreen
1650 - James Stormont born Lednethie, Angus; Imposition of Cromwellian rule on Britain following Battle of Dunbar; world population is 500 million; US population is 50.000
1651 - Rait village attacked by Oliver Cromwell; A. Rait of Rayne, Aberdeenshire, left for Prussia as a merchant
1655 - Alexander Rait born Arbroath
1657 - James Raitt born Kinnell
1658 - James Rait married Marjorie Ronaldson; Oliver Cromwell dies
1660 - Royal Mail postal services starts
1665 - Katherine Raitt born Arbroath; Black Death in London – plague kills 75.000
1666 - Great Fire of London; Defeat of Covenanters at Rullion Green
1667 - Margaret Raitt born St Vigeans
1670 - Formation of Hudson Bay Company; Genealogy of the Raits of Halgrene compiled
1671 - John Meikison marries Agnis Shakkart; Colonel Thomas Blood attempts to steal the crown jewels
1675 - John Rait of Inverkeilor dies in Nevis, West Indies
1677 - Archibald Rait becomes burgess of Danzig
1680 - Francis Rait is standard-bearer of the Scots Regiment in The Netherlands; Patrick Sangster born Gamrie, Banffshire
1683 - Family history manuscript published about the Raitt family in Bavaria
1684 - Francis Raitt born Kinnell
1686 - Johannes Raitt was studying in Leszna, Poland
1687 - Isaac Newton describes theory of gravity
1688 - Andrew Rait married Magdalene Fyfe
1689 - Uprising of Bonnie Dundee for the Stewart cause; William of Orange (Holland) offered English crown; Peter the Great becomes Czar of Russia
1690 - David Raitt born St Vigeans; Hearth tax (fireplace) introduced in Scotland
1692 - Massacre of Glencoe
1693 - Elizabeth Rait born Arbroath
1695 - Isobel Rait born (possibly Guthrie, Angus); Bank of Scotland founded
1696 - Education Act ordered locally-funded schools, Church-supervised schools to be established in every parish in Scotland
1698 - Darien scheme - settlers from Scotland land in New Caledonia
(Caribbean) – colony fails and almost bankrupts Scotland; severe famine in Scotland
1699 - Thomas Raitt born Arbroath
1700 - Helen Hunter born Forfar; John Dorward born St Vigeans; US population is 250.000
1701 - J. Rait is Scottish member of the Guild of Merchants at Königsberg (Kneiphof)
1703 - Alexander Raitt becomes secretary to the Earl of Mar
1704 - Alexander Selkirk (Robinson Crusoe) marooned on
Juan Fernandez, Chile
1705 - John Sangster born Gamrie, Banffshire
1706 - George Raitt graduated from Leiden University; 1706 - Francis Hauksbee produces electric light
1707 - Union of parliaments between Scotland and England; Population of Scotland reaches 1 million
1714 - George I (German) crowned King of England
1718 - Colonel William Rhett of South Carolina siezed a pirate ship
1720 - David Raitt married Jean Leslie; Rise of tobacco trade
1721 - James Raitt born St Vigeans
1722 - Rapa Nui (Easter Island) discovered
1724 - Thomas Raitt marries Helen Hunter; John Raitt born St Vigeans
1725 - William Purvis born (Angus?); Original Arbroath harbour improved; Construction of military roads in the Highlands starts
1727 - John Raitt born Arbroath; Board of Trustees for Manufacturers set up to encourage Scottish industry
1728 - John Sangster married Elspet Smith
1734 - John Dorward marries Mary Lyall; Death of outlaw Rob Roy (McGregor)
1736 - William Raitt born St Cyrus, Kincardineshire
1739 - John Raitt born St Vigeans; Dick Turpin, highwayman, executed
1742 - James Raitt marries Margaret Soutar; William Rait awarded doctorate of medicine from University of Rheims; Jean Meikison born Arbroath
1743 - Potato introduced into Hebrides – cultivation becomes more widespread
1745 - Jacobite rising – Bonnie Prince Charlie; Battle of Prestonpans
1746 - Francis Raitt born St Vigeans; Battle of Culloden and Act of Proscription; William Raitt surgeon for Bonnie Prince Charlie at Culloden
1750 - William Crabb born (Angus?); world population is 700 million; US population reaches 1 billion
1752 - Thomas Doig born Forfar
1753 - William Raitt born Kittery, Maine; Citrus treatment for scurvy proved by Scottish surgeon, James Lind
1755 - John Raitt appointed Sheriff of Arundel County, Maryland; Earthquake and tsunami kills 60.000 in Lisbon, Portugal
1757 - Start of British Empire in India
1758 - John Raitt died Anne Arundel, MD; Halley correctly predicts return of comet
1759 - British capture Quebec from French
1761 - First Scottish settlement in Canada at Murray Bay, Quebec
1763 - John Raitt marries Jean Meikison
1765 - John Dorward born St Vigeans
1768 - Alexander Raitt born Arbroath; First volume of Encyclopaedia Brittanica published in Edinburgh
1769 - James Watt invents steam engine
1770 - William Kelman born Fordyce, Banffshire; James Cook claims Australia for Britain; East India Company employee John Stewart returns to London from Madras on foot
1773 - James Raitt marries Jean Watt; Boston Tea Party - Massachusetts
1774 - David Raitt born St Vigeans; John Crabb born Arbroath
1776 - Shipmaster Alexander Raitt dies in Jamaica; James Watt builds steam engine; American Declaration of Independence: Adam Smith publishes The Wealth of Nations
1777 - Botanist John Lightfoot publishes Flora Scotica; Collapse of tobacco trade
1779 - Captain James Cook killed in Hawaii
1780 - Trading opportunities for Scots with East India Company
1781 - Francis Smith born Banchory-Ternan, Kincardineshire;
Arbroath attacked by French privateer
1782 James Reat born Fredericksburg, VA
1783 - Montgolfier hot air balloon flight in France;
The Herald – earliest Scottish newspaper
1784 - David Lindsay born Tannadice, Angus; John Raitt born St Vigeans
1786 - John Holt born England
1787 - John Wilkie born (Angus?); Thomas Raitt marries Elisabeth Thoms;
US Constitution signed
1788 - First British settlement in Australia
1789 - John Raitt born Glen Isla, Angus; French Revolution
1790 - John Dorward marries Margaret Philip; HMS Bounty crew settle on
Pitcairn Island; Opening of Forth and Clyde Canal; Rapid expansion of textile industries; Statistical Account of Scotland first published
1791 - George Raitt born Glen Isla, Angus
1792 - Alexander Sangster marries Margaret Robertson; Year of the Sheep – first major highland clearances in Scotland; Village of Raitts (Inverness-shire) cleared; Guillotine used for first time in France
1793 - Elizabeth Raitt marries John Crabb; William Kelman marries Isabella Irvin; William Kelman born Alvah, Banffshire; Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette executed
1794 - James Crabb born Arbroath
1796 - Alexander Raitt marries Susan Millar; Thomas Raitt born Glen Isla, Angus; Mungo Park traces course of river Niger in Africa
1797 - Last invasion of mainland Britain (by French)
1798 - Isabella Sangster born Gamrie, Banffshire; Mary Laurence born Fordyce, Banffshire
1799 - Alexander Raitt born Arbroath; Rosetta Stone discovered in Egypt
1800 - James Scorgie born (Banffshire?); George Scorgie starts his Caravan – conveying passengers between Aberdeen and Huntly; David Raitt marries
Margaret Chapel; Congreve rockets used for military purposes; US population is 5 million; professional civilian police force established in Glasgow
1802 - Start of weaving of Paisley shawls
1803 - Louisiana Purchase; Passengers Act passed in Scotland to stem flow of emigrants to British North America
1804 - Cecilia Munro born Greenock, Renfrewshire; Thomas Raitt born Backmuir, Angus; James Reat becomes a silversmith in Richmond, VA; world population 1 billion
1805 - John Raitt born St Vigeans; Battle of Trafalgar – death of Nelson; professional civilian police force established in Edinburgh
1806 - Lewis-Clark expedition ends in Missouri; Abolition of slavery; First steam spinning mill in Arbroath
1807 - William Raitt commands the 18 gun brig-sloop Scout in naval battles in the Mediterranean; Start of Sutherland clearances; Abolition of slave trade in Britain; Bell Rock lighthouse built off Arbroath
1808 - Elizabeth Dorward born Arbroath; John Wilkie marries Isabella Wallace
1810 - Mexico independence from Spain declared
1811 - Charles Robert Raitt born Tenby, Wales; Napoleon invades Russia and loses 570.000 men; Bell Rock lighthouse, off Arbroath, becomes operational; Luddites protests against new textile technology
1812 - Bridget Mottley born (possibly Glamis, Angus); Prime minister Spencer Perceval assassinated; Madison declares war on Britain
1813 – Catherine Wilkie born Forfar, Angus; The Adelphi of Aberdeen, commanded by David Raitt, is captured by Americans off the coast of Brazil; British soldiers burn the White House and public buildings in Washington
1814 - Union of Norway and Sweden
1815 - John Wilkie, Forfar Militia and Honourable East India Company, serves in St Helena; James Reat died Richmond, VA; Battle of Waterloo – Napoleon defeated and exiled on St Helena; Highland and Lowland clearances; Corn Laws passed; Collapse of cattle market
1816 - John Lindsay born Tannadice, Angus; Elgin Marbles purchased from Greece and placed on display in British Museum; the “year with no summer” following eruption of Tambora volcano in Indonesia in 1815 resulted in crop failure and famine
1817 - John Benjamin Kellogg born Kentucky; James W. Hold born England; Master George Sangster arrives in Pictou, Canada from Saltcoats in the Baron Ardrossan
1818 - William Kelman marries Mary Laurence; Illinois Immigrant newspaper starts
1819 - Owen Carroll born Ireland; First steam-powered ship (Savannah) crosses Atlantic; Liberation of New Granada (now Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador) from Spain
1820 - James Scorgie married Isabella Sangster; Alexander Scorgie born Macduff, Banffshire; Master David Raitt arrives in Pictou, Canada from Aberdeen in the Ceres; Independence of Brazil from Portugal; Start of decline in hand loom weaving
1821 - Population of Scotland now 2 million
1822 - Greece declares independence from Turkey; Champollion translates Rosetta Stone based on earlier work by Thomas Young; US population is 10 million
1823 - William Raitt died St Cyrus, Kincardineshire; Collapse of kelp industry
1824 - National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck founded
1825 - World's first modern railway, Stockton-Darlington, opens in England
1826 - Alexander Raitt marries Mary Stormont; Isabella Kelman born Marnoch, Banffshire; First commercial railway in Scotland between Edinburgh and Dalkeith; Last fatal duel takes place in Scotland in Kirkcaldy
1829 - James Crabb marries Cecilia Munro; Stephenson’s Rocket – steam locomotive; professional civilian police force established in London (the Metropolitan Police)
1831 - Thomas Taylor born Bidford-on-Avon, Warwickshire; Charles Frederick Raitt died London; First passenger railway opens – Glasgow to Garnkirk; London Bridge demolished after over 600 years; Margaret Rait, American whaler, build in St Andrews, New Brunswick for James Rait
1832 - Outbreak of cholera, typhoid, flu in Scotland – over 50.000 die
1833 - John Raitt marries Elizabeth Dorward; Burghs establish police forces in Scotland; Factory Act limits hours children work in cotton mills; New Statistical Account of Scotland published
1834 - Margaret Phillips Raitt born Arbroath; William Purvis marries Catherine Wilkie; Babbage invents analytical engine – precursor to computer; House of Parliament burned to the ground
1835 - John Benjamin Kellogg marries Sidney Gaston; John Benjamin Kellogg born Gonzalez Co, TX
1836 - The Alamo – Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, Johnny Kellogg killed; End of survey expedition of HMS Beagle – Charles Darwin; Great Trek of Boers in South Africa
1837 - John (Dorward) Raitt born Arbroath; Cecilia Monroe Crabb born Arbroath; Queen Victoria crowned
1838 - Railway comes to Arbroath with link to Dundee
1839 - New harbour in Arbroath built; First photography – daguerreotype
1840 - James Dorward Raitt born Arbroath; James W. Holt emigrates to Illinois; Post service starts – Penny Black stamp
1841 - First decennial census giving names for the whole population; Tennant's Stalk constructed - tallest chimney (438ft) in the world; James Raitt born St Vigeans; Thomas Raitt born Dundee;
1842 - David Raitt arrived from Scotland and settled in Lachute, Quebec, Canada farming 100 acres before moving to Main Street as a tailor, then jeweller and finally taking office as bailiff; James Rait, Merchant and Shipbuilder in St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada dies in Jamaica; Hong Kong ceded to Britain by China after Opium Wars; Employment of women and children underground in mines ends
1843 - Elizabeth Abbott born Glamis, Angus; Alexander Scorgie marries Isabella Kelman; Richard M. Holt born Peoria, Illinois; Formation of the Free Church of Scotland; Launch of Great Britain – built by Brunel and first propeller-driven, iron-hulled steamship
1844 - Telegraph invented; first international cricket match - between USA and Canada, held in New York
1845 - Potato famine starts in Ireland and Scotland; US population is 20 million
1846 - David Dorward Raitt born Arbroath; Ann Smith born Kirkden, Angus; US declares war on Mexico; Planet Neptune discovered; start of ten year Highland potato famine in Scotland
1847 - Mary Purvis born Arbroath; Power looms for weaving sailcloth introduced in Arbroath
1848 - Alexander Scorgie born Easter Bonnyton, Banffshire; William Robertson Doig born Glamis, Angus; California gold rush starts
1849 - Elizabeth Dorward Raitt born Arbroath
1850 - Scotsman Allan Pinkerton opens first detective agency in Chicago, Illinois; First telegraph laid under English Channel
1852 - South African Republic established; Formation of Highland Emigration Society
1853 - Thomas Taylor marries Charlotte Tandy; Percy Clinton Raitt born Lymington, England
1854 - James Raitt born Craig, Angus; John Raitt died St Vigeans; Commodore Perry opens up Japan; Charge of the Light Brigade, Crimea
1855 - Alexander Barnwell Taylor born Springfield, IL; Henry Crabb emigrates to Illinois; David Livingstone discovers Victoria Falls, Rhodesia; Castle Garden becomes America’s first immigrant receiving centre; Introduction of statutory registration in Scotland
1856 - End of Crimean War (Florence Nightingale)
1858 - James Lindsay born Tannadice, Angus; Eliza Jane Drummond born Brechin, Angus; British rule starts in India after Mutiny; 1st transatlantic telegraph; Great Eastern launched – built by Brunel and largest ship ever (for over forty years)
1859 - John Dorward Raitt marries Cecilia Monroe Crabb; Elizabeth Ann Dorward Raitt born Arbroath; US population is 30 million
1860 - Cecilia Monroe dies Arbroath; William Raitt born Aberdeen; Pony Express starts; Construction of London Underground begins; Lead acid battery invented
1861 - Patrick McAneny born Ireland; American Civil War; population of Scotland now 3 million
1863 - John Dorward Raitt born Glasgow; John (Dorward) Raitt emigrates to Illinois; William Crockett Kellogg born Flatonia, TX; Private William Rait of 165th New York Volunteers (2nd Duryee’s Zouaves) wounded at Port Hudson. Also fighting were 1st sergeant Lewis Raite, Augustus Johnston William Raite, Lewis Raite John McClain; Battle of Gettysburg; First underground railway system in the world opens in London
1864 - Walter Frederick Taylor born Bidford-on-Avon, Warwickshire; John Raitt died Bovina, New York; End of American Civil War; Abraham Lincoln becomes president
1865 - Abraham Lincoln assassinated
1867 - Samuel Bowden Raitt born St Vigeans; US buys Alaska from Russian
1868 - James Dorward Raitt marries Elizabeth Abbott; James Dorward Raitt receives Master Mariner certificate; Meiji restoration in Japan; First official football match between two Scottish teams, Queens Park and Thistle, in Glasgow
1869 - David Dorward Raitt marries Mary Purvis; David Raitt born Arbroath; Alexander Raitt dies Elsinore, Denmark; Alexander Kelman, wife and child die of TB in Aberchirder; Suez Canal (Egypt) opens; Transcontinental rail service established in US; Cutty Sark clipper built in Dumbarton – sails made in Arbroath; Folies Bergeres opens in Paris
1870 - Lily Dorward Raitt born Pike Township, IL; Electric light invented; Unification of Italy
1871 - James Dorward Raitt and family emigrate to Illinois, USA; Elizabeth Dorward Raitt marries William Robertson Doig; William Raitt born Arbroath; John Crabb, sister Jane and infant Becky emigrate to Illinois; Alexander Scorgie marries Ann Smith; Oswald Raitt born Nairn, Scotland; German Empire declared; Stanley finds Scottish explorer Livingstone in Tanganyika; First ever rugby international - between England and Scotland
1872 - Alexina Dunbar Raitt born Arbroath; George Raitt died Delhi, New York; Thomas Raitt died Bovina, New York; Education becomes compulsory in Scotland; Mary Celeste discovered unmanned and abandoned in North Atlantic under full sail; US population is 40 million
1873 - Jennie Crabb Raitt born Peoria, IL; Alexina Dunbar Raitt died St Vigeans; The Highlander newspaper founded in Inverness to air crofter grievances
1874 - John Purvis Raitt born Arbroath; Henry Edward Keill born Londonderry, Northern Ireland; Robert Sangster Raitt born Narborough – Principal of Glasgow Uni – parents from Aberdeen; Major Rait, Officer Commanding Royal Artillery at Ashantee, Gold Coast (Africa) granted Freedom of City of Arbroath; James Raitt emigrates to New Zealand; Levi Strauss and Jacob Davies receive US patent for blue jeans with copper rivets
1875 - James Crabb died Arbroath; Alexander Croal drowned in shipwreck off Fidra island; Minimum age of ten set for child workers
1876 - Elizabeth Raitt born Deer Creek, IL; Emma Belle Raitt born Ocoya, IL; David Dorward Raitt receives Master Mariner (Captain) certificate; John Harvey Holt born IL; Charles Robert Raitt died Lymington, England; Telephone invented; Custer killed at Little Big Horn
1877 - Elizabeth Ann Dorward Raitt marries Alexander Barnwell Taylor; Helen Scorgie born St Vigeans; Phonograph invented – able to both record and reproduce sound
1879 - Zulu War in South Africa; Tay Railway Bridge disaster - 75 dead
1880 - John Raitt died Arbroath; Bridget Mottley died Washington Township, Illinois; Granville Clinton Raitt born Lymington, England; Palace theatre opens in Paris – becomes Casino de Paris; US population reaches 50 million
1881 - James Lindsay marries Eliza Jane Drummond; Eyemouth fishing disaster off Berwickshire coast - 129 drowned during storm
1882 - Henry Motley Raitt died Washington Township, IL; Thomas Raitt died Memphis, Tennessee; Death of outlaw Jesse James in Missouri
1883 - James Dorward Raitt and family move to Nebraska; Elizabeth Dorward
died Arbroath; Percy Clinton Raitt died Christchurch, England; Krakatoa
volcano erupts in Indonesia – up to 120.00 killed - weather affected for
years; Boys Brigade founded in Glasgow
1884 - Elmer Arthur Holt born Flanagan, IL
1885 - Benz – first petrol driven car
1886 - Thomas Raitt died Dundee; Statue of Liberty unveiled in New York; Crofters’ Commission set up
1887 - David Dorward Raitt died St Vigeans; Jane Lindsay born Kirriemuir, Angus
1888 - Herbert George Taylor born Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire; Kodak box camera introduced by George Eastman; Jack the Ripper active in London; T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia) (b Wales); Scotsman John Dunlop introduces pneumatic tire; US population now 60 million
1890 - Forth Bridge opened; Eiffel Tower built; Massacre of Wounded Knee
1891 - Ethel B. Horner born IL; population of Scotland is 4 million
1892 - Ellis Island immigration centre opens; Women admitted as
undergraduates at Scottish universities
1893 - John Dorward Raitt marries Lily Dorward Raitt; David Raitt marries Annie Edward Duncan; Chicago World Fair; New Zealand becomes first country to give women the vote; Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung) born Hunan, China
1894 - Archibald Claude Raitt born Rising City, NE
1895 - Sino-Japanese War ends; US population is 70 million
1896 - Glasgow underground subway railway opens
1899 - William Raitt marries Helen Scorgie; John Dorward Raitt and family move to Nebraska
1901 - Emma Belle Raitt marries John Harvey Holt; William Raitt born Arbroath; Raitts in Arbroath move to Glasgow; John Purvis Raitt marries Georgina Clark; first transatlantic radio communication experiments
1902 - Annie Smith Raitt born Glasgow; End of Boer War
1903 - Mary Purvis Raitt born Glasgow; Charles Carroll born Glasgow; Wright brother’s credited with first powered flight in US; Scotsman David Dunbar Buick established Buick Motor Company in Detroit; US population is 80 million
1904 - Alta Mae Kilgore born Monroe, NE; Samuel Bowden Raitt born Arbroath
1905 - Helen Raitt born Glasgow; Einstein theory of special relativity
1906 - San Francisco earthquake and fire – 3000 dead
1907 - Baden-Powell starts Boy Scout movement; Regular transatlantic radio-telegraph service between Ireland and Nova Scotia commences
1908 - Alice Kirk Raitt born Glasgow; Peter McAneny born Glasgow; Elmer Arthur Holt marries Ethel B. Horner; Model T Ford goes into production; First powered flight in UK; Frederick Cook claims to reach North Pole – although credit controversially given to Robert Peary in 1909; Tunguska event in Russia - massive explosion flattens 80 million trees
1909 - Alexander Scorgie Raitt born Glasgow; US population is 90 million
1910 - Elizabeth Raitt marries Henry Edward Keill
1911 - Margaret Phillips Raitt died Arbroath; Capital of India moved from Calcutta to Delhi by British King-Emperor; Roald Amundsen reaches South Pole, just beating Robert Falcon Scott; Northern Rhodesia created
1912 - Herbert George Taylor marries Jane Lindsay; Titanic strikes iceberg on maiden voyage and sinks with loss of 1500 lives
1913 - Kenneth Eugene Holt born Lowell, IL; Emma Belle Raitt died Shiloh, IL
1914 - Start of World War I
1915 - David Raitt born Glasgow; James Eldon Keill born David City, NE; Jennie Crabb Raitt marries John Harvey Holt; Annie Lindsay marries George Milne in Winnipeg; mass Glasgow rent strikes; Einstein theory of general relativity; US population reaches 100 million
1916 - Easter Rising in Ireland
1917 - James Dorward Raitt died David City, NE; John Emmett Raitt born Santa Ana, CA; Russian Revolution
1918 - End of World War I; Great Influenza (Spanish flu) pandemic kills some 50 million people
1919 - Archibald Claude Raitt marries Alta Mae Kilgore; Alcock and Brown make first non-stop transatlantic flight; German Grand Fleet scuppered in Scapa Flow
1920 - Elden Louis Andrew born Ponca, NE; Cecilia Monroe Crabb died David City, NE; prohibition introduced in USA
1921 - Marcella Imogene Raitt born Rising City, NE; David and William Lindsay emigrate to New Zealand; Einstein receives Nobel Prize for Physics
1922 - Aileen Taylor born Rotherham, Yorkshire; Audene Clara Taylor born (IL?); William Robertson Doig died Arbroath; Tutankhamun’s tomb discovered in Egypt; British Broadcasting Company (BBC) formed
1923 -James Scorgie of Turriff emigrates to Canada aged 18; First sound film shown commercially
1924 - John (Dorward) Raitt died Panola, IL; Elizabeth Dorward Raitt died Arbroath; British Empire Exhibition held in London
1925 - Art Deco movement commences; television tested publicly in USA
1926 - Lindsay family emigrates to Argentina; First successful liquid-fueled rocket tested; Silent movie idol Rudolph Valentino died - 100.000 people at New York funeral; John Logie Baird demonstrates wireless television in London
1927 - Jennie Crabb Raitt died Peoria, IL; Helen Raitt marries Robert Henry Guest; John Logie Baird demonstrates transmission of TV pictures over telephone lines from London to Glasgow; Charles Lindbergh makes first solo transatlantic flight crossing; world population reaches 2 billion
1928 - William Raitt died Glasgow; Penicillin discovered; John Logie Baird transmits colour television pictures across Atlantic
1929 - Graf Zeppelin airship circumnavigates the globe from Lakehurst, NJ; Wall Street Crash heralds Great Depression; Church of Scotland and United Free Church of Scotland unite
1930 - John Dorward Raitt died Rising City, NE; Amy Johnson becomes first woman to fly solo between Great Britain and Australia; Evacuation of St. Kilda
1931 - Earthquake devastates Napier, NZ – town rebuilt in Art Deco style;
Empire State Building completed in New York
1933 - Alice Kirk Raitt married Peter McAneny; Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany; prohibition ends in USA
1934 - David Raitt died Glasgow; Queen Mary launched on Clydebank; Long March retreat commences in China; Scottish National Party (SNP) founded
1935 - Alexander Scorgie Raitt marries May Duncan McCallum West; Elvis Presley born of Scottish ancestry
1936 - Eliza Jane Drummond died Kirriemuir
1937 - Last Laird of Rait dies; Ann Dorward Raitt (died Peoria, IL; Jet engine introduced; Hindenberg airship catches fire while docking at Lakehurst, New Jersey – 36 dead
1938 - William Raitt died Los Angeles; Edward VIII crowned and abdicated; Biro patents ball point pen
1939 - Mary Purvis died Glasgow; New York World’s Fair; Start of 2nd World War; population of Scotland hits 5 million
1940 - Hitler invades much of Europe; Winston Churchill becomes Britain’s prime minister
1941 - Japan attacks US fleet at Pearl Harbour bringing US into World War II; Oswald Raitt dies Nicaragua
1942 - James Raitt died Ontario, Canada
1943 - David Raitt married Aileen Taylor
1944 - David Ian Raitt born Sulhamstead Abbots; Annie Smith Raitt marries Charles Carroll; Allies invade Normandy of D-Day; International Monetary Fund and World Bank created
1945 Hitler commits suicide; Germany surrenders; US drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; United Nations established; first electronic computer, ENIAC, completed
1946 - John Purvis Raitt died Glasgow; Granville Clinton Raitt died San Diego
1947 - Britain nationalizes coal mines; Chuck Yeager becomes first person to break sound barrier; Chicago gangster Al Capone died
1948 - Gandhi assassinated; Nation of Israel proclaimed; Berlin airlift begins
1949 - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established; Federal Republic of Germany and German Democratic Republic established; apartheid instituted in South Africa; Bonnie Lynn Raitt born Burbank, CA
1950 - Brink's robbery in Boston - almost $3 million stolen.
1951 - Colour television introduced in US; Lyons Electronic Office is UK’s first commercial computer
1952 - Annie Edward Duncan died Glasgow; Alexander Raitt died Bathurst, Canada; George VI died
1953 - James Lindsay died Kirriemuir; Elizabeth II crowned; James Watson and Francis Crick discover structure of DNA; Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay scale Mount Everest; Soviet Union explodes hydrogen bomb
1954 - First atomic submarine Nautilus launched; rationing ends in UK
1955 - Rosa Parks refuses to give up seat on bus
1956 - First aerial H-bomb tested over Bikini Atoll; Egypt takes control
of Suez Canal
1957 - Soviet Union launches Sputnik I, first Earth-orbiting satellite
1958 - William Raitt died Glasgow; European Economic Community (Common Market) becomes effective. first U.S. Earth satellite, Explorer I, placed in orbit; Charles de Gaulle becomes French president
1959 - Fidel Castro takes over Cuba; Leakeys discover hominid fossils in East Africa
1960 - Jean Lindsay died Reading, England; American U-2 spy plane, piloted by Francis Gary Powers, shot down over Russia; world population 3 billion
1961 - Herbert George Taylor died Mortimer, England; Soviet Union puts first man in orbit around Earth, Major Yuri Gagarin; East Germans erect Wall between East and West Berlin
1962 - John Glenn is first American to orbit Earth; Cuban missile crisis;
Telstar 1 launched - successfully relayed through space the first television pictures, telephone calls, fax images and provided the first live transatlantic television feed
1963 - President Kennedy shot and killed in Dallas; Great Train Robbery in England - over £2.6 million stolen
1964 - IBM announced System/360
1965 - Rhodesia declares Independence
1966 - Helen Scorgie died Glasgow
1967 - Israeli and Arab forces battle in six-day war; Dr. Christiaan Barnard and team of South African surgeons perform world's first successful human heart transplant
1968 - Martin Luther King killed in Memphis; Robert F. Kennedy killed in Los Angeles; Czechoslovakia invaded by Russian and Warsaw Pact forces; Church of Scotland permits ordination of women; US population now 200 milion
1969 - Neil Armstrong becomes first person to walk on Moon; Woodstock music festival; Internet (ARPA) goes online
1972 - Pong console game released
1973 - Alice Kirk Raitt died East Kilbride; Great Britain joins European Economic Community; Vietnam War ends
1974 - Peter McAneny died Kilwinning, Ayrshire; President Richard Nixon resigns; Lucy hominid discovered - 3.2 million years old; world population 4 billion
1975 - Charles Carroll died East Kilbride
1976 - Queen Elizabeth II sent her first e-mail
1977 - Samuel Bowden Raitt died Glen Rock, NJ
1979 - Shah of Iran deposed; Margaret Thatcher becomes first woman prime minister in UK
1980 - Rhodesia gains independence and becomes Zimbabwe. John Lennon killed in New York
1981 - First orbital flight of the Space Shuttle; wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Lady Diana Spencer; Sony introduced first 3.5” floppy disks; IBM introduced PC
1982 - Falklands War
1984 - Helen Raitt died Newcastle; Robert Henry Guest died Newcastle; Apple launches Macintosh - first mouse driven computer with graphic user interface
1985 - Annie Smith Raitt died East Kilbride; Mary Duncan McCallum West
died Glasgow
1986 - Chernobyl nuclear disaster; launch of the Russian Mir space station; return of Halley's Comet
1987 - world population reaches 5 billion
1988 - Pan Am Flight 103 blown up over Lockerbie, Scotland; construction of the Channel Tunnel begins
1989 - Fall of the Berlin Wall;
1990 - Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web; German reunification; launch of Hubble Space Telescope.
1991 - Dissolution of the Soviet Union and independence of 15 former Soviet republics
1992 - Maastricht Treaty creates the European Union; Bill Clinton elected President of the United States
1993 - Mosaic web browser released - later known as Netscape
1994 - Apartheid ends in South Africa - Nelson Mandela elected president; Channel Tunnel opens
1997 - Tony Blair becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong from UK to China; Diana, Princess of Wales killed in car crash in Paris; Andy Green breaks sound barrier on land
1998 Alexander Scorgie Raitt died Glasgow
1999 - Euro is introduced; a Scottish Parliament sits for first time in 272 years; world population is 6 billion
2000 - David Raitt died North Devon; Vladimir Putin becomes president of
Russia; International Space Station begins operations
2001 - September 11 attacks in New York - almost 3000 killed
2003 - Invasion of Iraq led by US forces; Human Genome Project is
completed; Space Shuttle Columbia breaks up on re-entry
2004 - Tsunami in Indian Ocean kills over 230.000 in 14 countries
2005 - Angela Merkel becomes Germany's first female Chancellor
2007 - Scottish National Party (SNP) comes to power; US population becomes 300 million
2008 - Barack Obama is elected first black president of the United States
2011 - Tsunami causes nuclear reactor meltdowns in Japan - some 16.000 deaths with over 2600 still missing; world population climbs to 7 billion; population of US is almost 312 million; population of Scotland is some 5.3 million
2012 - Higgs boson discovered; Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth 1
2013 - Nelson Mandela dies
2014 - Scotland rejects independence; Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa - over 8000 dead; Rosetta spacecraft's Philae probe becomes the first to successfully land on a comet
2015 - ancient archaeological sites destroyed by ISIL; Cuba and USA restore diplomatic relations after more than 50 years; Queen Elizabeth II becomes longest reigning British monarch
2016 - UK citizens vote to leave European Union; Aileen Raitt died North Devon
2018 - Saudi Arabia allows women to drive
2019 - first all-female spacewalk outside of the International Space Station; Covid-19 pandemic starts in Wuhan, China; fire engulfs Notre Dame in Paris
2020 - UK formally withdraws from European Union; Covid-19 claims 6 million lives; China becomes third country to return samples from the Moon; Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games delayed until 2021 because of Covid-19 pandemic Dorothy Marshall turns 100 years old
2022 - Russia invades Ukraine