This page contains family photographs of singer, actor and Broadway star John Raitt, his older brother Walton (Walt) and their father Archibald (Archie) together with their spouses and children.
Details about the three men and their lives are to be found on the Archie, Walt and John Raitt page, while details of their ancestry is given on the Bovina Raitts page. Some other photos of John's children are to be found on the Modern Raitts page.
The photos below from around 1923 show Archibald Raitt; Archibald and Stella Raitt; and their two sons John and Walton.

California Raitt family photos

Below left shows Archie's mother Eva Brockett Raitt taken in the late 1930s. The photo at right shows Walt and John Raitt on 28 December 1994 on the occasion of Walt's 80th birthday held in Stockton, California. The photo at the bottom left is of Walt (left) and John (right) with their father Archie in the mid-1930s. The photo at bottom right is Archie holding his two sons in the early 1920s.

The photos below show Walt and Mary Raitt in the summer of 1972; Walt and children in 1953; Mary and family about 1957; and Walt and Mary Raitt and family in summer 1954 at bottom left; and Walt Raitt and family in summer 1978 at bottom right (from left to right: Walt, Heather, Mary, Sally, Ron and Judy.