The Bovina Raitts

The following is extracted from the entry on Bovina in the book “Delaware County, New York: History of the century 1797-1897: Centennial Celebration, June 9 and 10, 1897” and published 1898. I thought it might give a flavour of the place Thomas Raitt’s family emigrated to and where they worked the land.
“About the beginning of the present century a number of settlers, mostly from Scotland, began to establish homes and clear up the land...... [names of several families given]. Those people endured privations and hardships which the present third or fourth generation of their sons and daughters could scarcely imagine. The comforts, the conveniences, and the luxuries of life were to them unknown. Their necessities were easily supplied, and the source of them came from their immediate surroundings. The crops raised from the newly cleared land were principally rye, potatoes, and flax. Sometimes the family enjoyed the luxury of pork for dinner, provided the bears had not captured the pigs before butchering time. In such a case they resorted to bear meat, if they could catch the bear.
The town or township of Bovina, a name given it by General Erastus Root, was formed from parts of Delhi, Middletown and Stamford in 1820. The name is said to have been derived from the word Bovine, alluding to the fact of its being prominent in the dairying business. With the exception of Harpersfield it is in area and population the smallest town in the county, containing only 27,000 acres, or forty-two square miles of land. Fifteen years after its organization into a township, or more definitely in 1835, its population was 1,412. Since that date until the present time there has been a steady and almost regular yearly decrease, until now the population numbers less than 1,000. Its general features are hills and valleys supplied with abundant springs of pure cold water, making it admirably adapted for dairying purposes, which is and has been from its earliest settlement its chief and most important industry.
From 1815 to 1820 those who settled in Bovina came largely from Scotland [it was said that the terrain and landscape was similar to their native land]. They brought with them that Scottish thrift and piety that has so honored the land of Burns and of Bruce, and demonstrated in their love of country and their loyalty to Christ, the true elements of that Christian character which the world respects today. It has been reported by agents of the American Bible Society that no family in Bovina has ever been found without a bible. The influence of the clergy is universally felt. For forty years no license for the sale of liquor has been granted, and with one exception of a few months not a pauper from the town has been an inmate of an almshouse.
From 1820 to 1830 hired men's wages were from eight to ten dollars a month. Hired girls received seventy-five cents a week, and if they could weave they got one dollar a week. An interesting fact in the history of this town is, that the Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith, once worked here as a common day laborer.
When this town was established there were upwards of 400 children of school age; now there are less than 275.
The most important trade center is the little village of Bovina Centre, in which there are four general stores, one for flour and feed, one hardware, one drug and one grocery store, one saw and grist mill, two blacksmith shops, two cooper shops, two boot and shoe shops, one millinery parlor, one barber shop and one hotel. Sixty years ago [i.e 1837] all the goods sold in this town consisted of three or four wagon loads drawn semi-annually from Catskill. some 60 miles distant. The present trade, exclusive of the handling of butter, from figures and estimates, amounts to over one hundred and twelve thousand dollars annually.
The schools of this town are small. No educational advantages except the common school have ever been enjoyed by the people in their home town, while thousands of dollars have been paid for education in the academies, seminaries and colleges at other places. Bovina has furnished for the educational and professional vocations of life within the past forty-five years, forty-one persons who have been graduated with distinction from colleges around us. In all statistics of this town it is fair to consider the smallness of population.
The principal industry of this town is butter making. To produce quantity and improve quality, and to give it a standing in the first markets of the State and out of it, neither effort or expense have been spared. There are five or six pure Jersey dairies in town. Purchasers have come from Pennsylvania, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and some of the Southern States, and made selections from these and and other herds of Jersey cattle in Bovina. The entire dairies of the town are of high grade. As high as 360 pounds of butter per annum have been made from each cow. Much of Bovina’s prosperity in former years was due to this superior breed of cattle, and the excellency of the butter produced.
During the civil war Bovina furnished seventy-one volunteers for the army.”

Adam Thornburn Raitt (1833-1890)
Adam was the seventh child of Thomas Raitt and Janet Thorburn and was born in Bovina on 18 July 1833. He died in White Plains, Westchester County, New York on 16 May 1890 (since this is the same date as his wife, then it is more likely that the date of 16 May 1904 is correct - though it is still the same month and day). He married Mary Agnes Leslie, born January 1837 in New York, on 20 October 1859 in Bovina. Mary died in White Plains on 16 May 1890. They had five children: John Leslie, 1861; Jennett Elizabeth, 1863; Annie Ferguson, 1868; Alexander Thomas, 1872; and George Patterson, 1875.
In the 1860 census for Bovina, we find Adam Raitt, 25; and wife Mary A., 21, living next door to his father Thomas Raitt, 63, farmer; and his siblings: Joseph (presumably John), 33, farmer; Mary, 30; Robert, 22; Elizabeth, 19; and Jane E., 16.
In the 1870 census Adam B. Raitt, 38, retired grocer, is residing in Andes, Delaware, New York with his wife, Mary A., 33, keeping house; and children: John L., 9; Nettie E., 6; and Ann F., 2. All were born in New York State.
In the 1880 census the family had moved to Whiteplains, Westchester, New York. In the household were Adam Railt, 46, carpenter; Mary A., 43, keeping house; children: John, 19, painter; Nettie, 16, shirt maker; Annie, 12, at school; Alexander, 7, at school; and George, 4.
In the 1900 census for White Plains, there is Mary Raitt, 63, widowed, with sons Alexander T., 27, teamster; and George P., 24, teamster. She had had five children all of whom were alive at the time of the census.
John Leslie Raitt (1861-1930)
John was the eldest son of Adam Thorburn Raitt and Mary Leslie. He was born on 4 January 1861 in New York State and died on 10 August 1930. He married Nellie, born 1872 in New York, about 1895, and had at least one child, Mary Ann, 1889.
In the 1900 census for Scarsdale, Westchester, is John L. Raite, 39; wife Nellie V., 28; and daughter Mary Ann, 11. They had been married five years and this was the only child. All were born in New York State, though Nellie’s parents had been born in Ireland.
Where they were in 1910 has not yet been discovered.
In the 1920 census for Brooklyn Assembly District 1, Kings, New York it may be John Raitt, 57, painter, widower, who is a roomer.
Alexander Thomas Raitt (1872-1916)
Alexander was the second son of Adam Thorburn Raitt and Mary Leslie. He was born on 29 July 1872 in Delaware County, New York. He died on 5 May 1916 - possibly in White Plains, but equally possibly elsewhere in a road accident.
In the 1900 census for White Plains, Alexander T. Raitt, 27, teamster, is at home living with his widowed mother Mary, 63, and his brother George P., 24, teamster.
In the 1910 census for White Plains Ward 4, Westchester, Alexander T. Raitt, 38, truck driver, is in the household of his brother George P., 35, foreman, and his wife Grace, 30, bookkeeper, born New York. Also there are their child Leslie, 4; and the two brother’s mother Mary A., 73.
In the 1915 New York State census for White Plains, Westchester, is Alexander T. Raitt, 42, teamster, and his mother Mary A. Raitt, 78, doing housework.
George Patterson Raitt (1875-1926)
George was the last child of Adam Thorburn Raitt and Mary Leslie. He was born on 11 November 1875 in Hartsdale, Delaware County, New York and died on 21 June 1926 in White Plains, Westchester, New York. He married Grace Elinor Coombs in 1905 in New York State. She was born on 2 November 1879 in New York State and died in White Plains in September 1971. They had two children: Helen E., 1900; and Leslie P., 1905.
In the 1900 census for White Plains, George P. Raitt, 24, teamster, is living with his widowed mother Mary, 63, and his brother Alexander T., 27, teamster.
In the 1910 census for White Plains Ward 4, Westchester, we find George P. Raitt, 35, foreman, and his wife Grace, 30, bookkeeper, their son Leslie, 4. Also in the household is brother Alexander T. Raitt, 38, truck driver;and mother Mary A., 73. Daughter Helen, supposedly 10, is not there for some reason.
In the 1915 New York census for White Plains, we find George R. Raitt, 39, iron worker; wife Grace E., 35; children Helen Bales, 14; and Leslie P., 10. Also there is Agnes L. Merritt, 16, boarder.
In the 1920 census for the same place, George P. Raitt is a mechanic aged 43; Grace E., 40, is a secretary; Helen E., 19, is a stenographer in a law office; Leslie, 14. Agnes Merritt , 21, is still there, given as cousin, and acting as housekeeper.
In the New York census for 1925 for White Plains Ward 4, the household comprises George P. Raitt, 49, retired; wife Grace E., 45, doing housework; and son Leslie P., 20, carpenter.
Leslie P. Raitt (1905-1993)
Leslie (Patterson?) was the only son of George Patterson Raitt and Grace Coombs. he was born on 2 May 1905 in New York State (probably Delaware County) and died on 4 February 1993 in Bethel, Fairfield. Connecticut. He married Marjorie Sands (or Proctor?) in 1927, probably in Delaware County, where she was likely born on 19 June 1908. She died in Danbury Connecticut on 30 June 1980. They had a daughter, Marilyn, born in 1931.
In the 1930 census for Greenburgh, Westchester, New York, there is Leslie P. Raitt, 24, chauffeur, with wife Marjorie J., 21, born New York.
In the 1940 census for Greenburgh, Westchester, there is Leslie Raitt, 34, estimator: wife Marjorie J., 31; daughter Marilyn, 9. Also there is father-in-law Fred D. Proctor, 65, widowed, carpenter. He is presumably Marjorie’s (step?) father, though her death record gives her father’s name as Sands.
Robert Raitt (1836-1910)
Robert was born on 19 January 1836 in Bovina to Thomas Raitt and Janet Thorburn. He died on 9 January 1910 in Patterson, Madison County, Iowa. He married Mary Elizabeth Kinnan about 1868 in Pennsylvania. She was born on 28 February 1844 in Pennsylvania and died on 12 October 1923 also in Patterson. They had five children: Ida Belle, 1869; George W., 1870; Samuel T., 1875; Mary J., 1875;and John Gibson, 1882.
Robert Raitt was living at home in the earlier censuses - for instance, in the 1840 census for Bovina, Delaware, New York, his father,Thomas Rait, employed in agriculture, is head of a family comprising 11 people - 9 of whom were under 20 years of age and one of whom would have been Robert, aged 6.
In the 1850 census for Bovina, we find Robert Raitt, 15, farmer, born New York, living at home with his father Thomas Ruitt (sic), 53, farmer, born Scotland (a widower though this is not stated); and siblings: John, 23, farmer; Mary, 22; Thomas Jnr, 21, farmer; George P., 18, farmer; Adam T., 17, farmer; William A., 13; Elizabeth, 10; and Jane E., 7 - all born New York.
In the 1860 census for Bovina, Robert Raitt, 22, is still at home with his father Thomas Raitt, 63, farmer; and siblings: Joseph (presumably John), 33, farmer; Mary, 30; Elizabeth, 19; and Jane E., 16. Living next door is brother Adam, 25; and Mary A., 21 (presumably his wife.)
However, in the 1870 census Robert Raitt is to be found at Harlan, Page, Iowa in 1870, aged 37, a farmer, married to Mary E, 27, keeping house; and with two children Ida Bell, 1 and George A. 8 months.
Since Robert Raitt remained in Iowa for the rest of his life and his children grew up, married there and had children of their own, then I have moved his descendants to a separate page - the Iowa Raitts from New York.
George Ernest Raitt (1873-1934)
George was born in July 1873 in Iowa, second son of George Patterson Raitt and Jennette McFadden. He died in 1934. He married Martha Mahood about 1904 and had three children: Janet M., 1905; Russell W., 1908; and Sarah, 1912. Martha was born about 1878 in Pennsylvania. Like his father, George was also a Presbyterian minister. He was also moderator of the United Presbyterian General Assembly.
In the 1910 census for Philadelphia Ward 46, Pennsylvania is George E. Raith, 37, born Iowa; wife Martha, 33, born Pennsylvania; and children: Janet, 4; and Russell, 2 - both born Pennsylvania.
In the 1920 census for Dormont, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, there is G. E. Rutt, 46, a minister; wife Martha W., 42, born Pennsylvania; and children: Janet M., 14; Russell W., 12; and Sarah H., 8 - all born Pennsylvania.
The family arrived in Southern California (Pasadena) in 1921 where George was minister of a large church there.
In the 1930 census for South Pasadena, Los Angeles, George E. Raitt, 56, minister, is living with his wife Martha W., 52 and their daughter Sarah, 18 - both born Pennsylvania, though Martha’s father came from the Northern Ireland.
Russell Watson Raitt (1907-1995)
Russell was born on 30 September 1907 in Philadelphia and died in La Jolla, San Diego in 1995. He was the only son of George Ernest Raitt and Martha Mahood and married Helen Hill in 1935 in California and they had a daughter, Martha, in 1939. Helen was born on 28 March 1905 in California and died in San Diego on 26 March 1976.
Following his graduation in 1929 from Caltech, Russell traveled briefly in Europe. Upon returning to California he took a position with the Hercules Powder Company to study the earth's crust. In 1931 he returned to Caltech, working on a doctorate which he completed in 1935. In that year he and two other Caltech graduates established an oil-prospecting company, Geophysical Engineering Corporation. In 1941, he began working at the newly established National Defense Research Committee's University of California Division of War Research (UCDWR). From this point on until his eventual retirement, Russell became a seagoing explorer, using acoustic means to study the largely unknown nature of the ocean. He (and his wife) are mentioned on the Illustrious Raitts page (under Academics), and a more extensive biography of him will be found on the University of California Calisphere site.
Records show that Russell departed Le Havre, France on 16 December 1929 and arrived in New York on 3 January 1930 aboard the Waukegan. He was single. His address in the USA was 1527 Fremont Ave, S. Pasadena, California.
In the 1930 census for Roxbury, Morris, New Jersey, Russell W. Raitt, 22, single, a physicist in a powder works, born Pennsylvania, is living as a boarder
In the 1940 census for Pasadena, Los Angeles, California is Helen H. Raitt, 35; daughter Martha H. Raitt, 1; and three children from Helen’s previous marriage. Presumably Russell was away on an oceanographic survey.
John Archibald Raitt (1883-1933)
Youngest and third son of George Patterson Raitt and Jennette McFadden, John was born on 23 March 1883 in St Charles, Madison, Iowa. He died in 1933 in California. He married Marguerite Stewart on 22 June 1921 in St Charles. She was born in Blair, Nebraska on 19 March 1891 and died in Santa Barbara, California on 17 June 1966. They had one child: Robert L. in 1922.
In 1910 John A Raitt, 25, superintendent at a creamery, was a boarder in Andes, Delaware, New York.
In the 1920 census for Lander, Fremont, Wyoming, we find John A. Raite, 38, born Iowa, as a teacher in the agricultural industry, and a roomer.
In the 1930 census for Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo, California, John A. Raitt, 48, superintendent at a public school, is living with wife Marguriete S., 38, born Nebraska (father born Nebraska, mother Canada); and son Robert L., 8., born Utah.
Robert L. Raitt (1922-1991)
Robert was born on 9 April 1922 in Utah and ended his days on 17 June 1991 in California. In Ventura, California on 17 June 1971, he married Charlott Baber, born 1923 in California.
In the 1940 census for Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo, California, Robert S. Raitt, 17, is living with his widowed mother, Marguerite S. Raitt, 49, a home economics teacher in a public school.
Thomas Raitt (1796-1872)
Thomas Raitt was born in Glen Isla, Angus, Scotland on 15 August 1796, the fourth child and third son of Thomas Raitt and Elisabeth Thoms. He emigrated to the United States in 1817 with his mother and sister Elizabeth, following his two elder brothers Jon and George. He became a US citizen on 11 June 1839, aged 43, and with residence in Bovina, Delaware County, New York. He died in Bovina on 28 September 1872. He married Janet Thorburn on 6 May 1824 in Bovina. Janet was born on 18 January 1804 in Hawick, Roxburghshire, Scotland and died in Bovina on 16 September 1848 - possibly after complications of childbirth.
Thomas and Janet apparently had twelve children between 1825-1846: John, 1825; Mary, 1826; infant daughter, 1828; Jannet, 1829; Thomas James, 1830-1853; George Patterson, 1831; Adam Thorburn, 1833; Robert, 1836; William Andrew, 1838; Elizabeth, 1840; Jane Edwards, 1844; and infant, 1846.
In the 1830 census for Bovina, Thomas Rait is head of a family comprising 7 people - 5 of whom were under 20 years of age. The two adults (Thomas and Janet were classed as Aliens - Foreigners not Naturalized.
In the 1840 census for Bovina, Thomas Rait, employed in agriculture, is head of a family comprising 11 people - 9 of whom were under 20 years of age.
In the 1850 census for Bovina, we find Thomas Ruitt, 53, farmer, born Scotland (a widower though this is not stated); and children: John, 23, farmer; Mary, 22; Thomas Jnr, 21, farmer; George P., 18, farmer; Adam T., 17, farmer; Robert, 15, farmer; William A., 13; Elizabeth, 10; and Jane E., 7 - all born New York.
In the 1860 census for Bovina, we find Thomas Raitt, 63, farmer; and children: Joseph (presumably John), 33, farmer; Mary, 30; Robert, 22; Elizabeth, 19; and Jane E., 16. Living next door are Adam, 25; and Mary A., 21 (presumably his wife.)
In the 1870 census for Bovina, Thomas Raitt, 73, no occupation, is living with his two daughters Mary, 43, house keeper; and Jane, 26, school teacher. Next door is living John Raitt, 44, farmer; wife Elizabeth, 38, keeping house; and daughter Anna G., 3 - all born New York.
John Raitt (1825-1887)
John was the eldest son of Thomas Raitt and Janet Thorburn, born on 26 January 1825 in Bovina and dying there on 24 May 1887. He married Elizabeth Taylor on 15 July 1865 in Andes, Delaware County. Elizabeth had been born in Andes on 1 January 1832 and died there on 16 August 1925. The couple had two children: Anna George, 1867; and Thomas Andrew, 1874.
In 1850 and 1860, John is still living and working with his father, though in the 1870 census, he is married, aged 44, a farmer, and living next door to his father in Bovina with his wife Elizabeth, 38; and daughter Anna G., 3.
In 1880 in Bovina, John Raitt, 55, is still farmer; in the household is wife Lizzie, 48, keeping house; and children Annie G., 12, at school; and Thomas A., 6.
Thomas Andrew Raitt (1874-1930)
Thomas was the only son of John Raitt and Elizabeth Taylor. He was born on 29 March 1874 in Bovina and died on 17 April 1930 in Delhi, Delaware County, New York. He married Mary Ann King on 28 September 1908 in Andes, where she had been born on 16 February 1875 and where she died on 17 November 1926. Thomas and Mary Ann had three children: Elizabeth Isabella, 1910; John Ernest, 1912; and Mary Janette, 1917. Like others in the family, Thomas was drafted during the 1st World War.
In the 1900 census for Bovina, Thomas A. Raitt, 16, farm labourer, is living with his mother, Elizabeth T. Raitt, 68, who is now the farmer. Also in the household is his sister Anna G., 32, and her husband William Wight, farm labourer, and their four children.
In the 1910 census for Bovina, Thomas A. Raitt is 36, a dairy farmer, and living with his wife Mary K., 35; daughter Elizabeth J., 8 months. Also in the household is his mother Elizabeth T. Raitt, 78.
The family is still in Bovina in 1920 - Thomas A. Raitt, 45, dairy farmer; wife Mary, 44; and children Isabel, 10; simply Raitt, 7; and Mary J., 2. Also there is his mother, Elizabeth Raitt, 87.
By 1925 the family had moved to Andes, Delaware County. Thomas A. Raitt was 51, a farmer; wife Mary K. was 50, doing housework; Isabel was 15; John E. was 12; and Mary J. was 7 - all at school; Also there was his mother Elizabeth T. Raitt who was 93.
In 1930 at home in the village of Andes, were Thomas A. Raitt, 58, widower, dairy farmer; and children: Isabel E., 20; John E., 17; and Mary G., 12.
John Ernest Raitt (1912-2004)
John was the only son of Thomas Raitt and Mary Ann King. He was born on 3 December 1912 in Bovina and died in Delhi, Delaware County on 31 October 2004. He married Helen Constance Euphemia Winter on 11 April 1941. She had been born on 12 May 1915 in Delaware County and died in Delhi on 7 December 1997. The couple had four children: Jeanne, Janice, Christine, and John.
Living at home in earlier censuses, in 1935 John was residing in New Concord, Ohio.
In 1940 John Raitt, 27, a substitute mail carrier, is living with his sister Isabel, 30, and her husband Henry Shaul (Schall?) and their infant son.
John was drafted into the Army during the 2nd World War and served in the 17th and 25th Base Post Office in New York, Alabama, England, France and Germany rising to the rank of Staff Sergeant. He was the Delhi, Delaware County postmaster and wrote several books about the area in which he lived becoming the official Delaware County Historian in 1981 as well as the president of the Delaware County Historical Association.
I have not yet found much information about son John, though he seems to have married a girl called Linda.
George Patterson Raitt (1831-1904)
Born to Thomas Raitt and Janet Thorburn on 18 September 1831 in Bovina, George Patterson Raitt died there on 4 March 1904. He was their sixth child and third son On 29 May 1866 he married Jennette McFadden who was born in March 1841 in New York and who died on 14 April 1927 in Seattle, Washington. George and Jennette had six children between 1868-1883: James Thomas, 1868; Effie Bell, 1870; George Ernest, 1873; Elsie May, 1876; Effie B., 1879; and John Archibald, 1883. The second Effie B. was named after her sister who died at just a few months old.
George Patterson Raitt became a Presbyterian minister who served as a chaplain in the Union Army during the Civil War. He worked in Patterson, Iowa in 1880 and Newburg, New York in 1900.
In the 1880 census for Patterson, Madison, Iowa we find George Raitt, 49, minister; with wife Jenette, 39, keeping house; and children: James T., 12, at school, born Pennsylvania; George E., 7; Elsie M., 4; and Effie B., 2 - the last three born in Iowa. Also in the household is his older sister Mary, 53, house keeper. Almost next door is his younger brother Robert and family.
In the 1900 census for Newburg Ward 1, Orange, New York George P. Raitt, 67, clergyman, is living with wife Janette, 59, and children: George E., 26, at college; Elea M., 24; Effie B., 20, school teacher; and John A., 19, secretary with YMCA - all born New York.
James Thomas Raitt (1868-1938)
James was the eldest child of George Patterson Raitt and Jennette McFadden. He was born on 22 February 1868 in Pennsylvania and died in Santa Ana, Orange County, California on 6 October 1938. He married Eva Briggs Brockett on 31 March 1892 in Santa Ana, Orange County. She was born on 12 July 1873 in La Harpe, Hancock, Illinois and died on 11 February 1944 in Santa Ana. James and Eva had six children: Archibald John, 1892; George Emmett, 1894; Elsie Blanche, 1896; Jean B., 1899; and twins Roy T., and Ralph J., 1903.
In the 1900 census for Santa Ana, Orange, California are James T. Raitt, 32, farmer; wife Eva B., 26; and children John A., 7; George E., 6; Elsie B., 3: Jean B., 10 months - all children born California. They had been married 8 years and had four children, all surviving at the date of the census.
In the 1910 census for Santa Ana Ward 4, Orange, California are James T. Raitt, 42, dairy farmer; wife Eva B., 37, dairy farmer; and children Archie, 17; Emmett, 15; Elsie, 13: Ralph, 7.
In the 1920 census for Santa Ana, Orange, we find James T. Raitt, 51, dairy farmer; wife Eva B., 46; children Elsie B., 23, teacher; and Ralph J., 16, student.
In the 1930 census for Santa Ana, are James T. Raitt, 62, dairy manager; and wife Eva B., 57.
In the 1940 census for Riverside, California, Eva B. Raitt, 66, widow; is living with her widowed daughter Elsie Woodward, 43, teacher; and grandchild Jean Elenore, 12.
Archibald John Raitt (1892-1962)
Archibald was the eldest son of James Thomas Raitt and Eva Brockett, born 4 December 1892 in Santa Ana, Orange, California and dying in Orange County on 12 April 1962. He married Stella Eulalie Walton on 16 March 1914 in Los Angeles. She was born 30 October 1893 in North Dakota and died in Los Alamitos, Orange, California on 3 April 1938. They had two children: Walton Archie, 1914; and John Emmett, 1917. More details about Archie can be found on the new Archie, Walt and John page.
In the 1920 census for Santa Ana Ward 4, Orange, California there is Archie J. Raitt, 27, carpenter in a dairy business; wife Stella E., 26; sons Walton A., 5; and John, 2.
In the 1930 census, the family is in Fullerton, Orange, California; Archie J. Raitt, 37, secretary YMCA; Stella E., 37 (mother born Canada); Walton A., 15; and John E., 13.
Walton Archie Raitt (1914-1995)
Walton was the first born son of Archibald Raitt and Stella Walton. He was born on 28 December 1914 in Santa Ana, Orange, California and died on 1 February 1995 in Stockton, San Joaquin, California. Details about Walton's life and career can be found on a new Archie, Walt and John Raitt page.
John Emmett Raitt (1917-2005)
John Emmett Raitt was the second son of Archibald John Raitt and Stella Watson. He was born on 19 January 1917 in Santa Ana, Orange County, California and died in Pacific Palisades on 20 February 2005. He married Marjorie Haydock about 1945 and had three children with her: Steven James, 1947; Bonnie Lynn, 1949; and David. His wife was born on 1 September 1922 in Los Angeles and she died on 2 July 2004 in Laguna Hills, Orange County. After a divorce, John remarried on 2 October 1981 - his new wife being Rosemary Kramer, born 1923.
John Raitt, of course, found fame and fortune as a Broadway singer. His three children were also successful in their own music careers (see Illustrious Raitts - Entertainers). Details about John's life and career, as well as family, can be found on a new Archie, Walt and John Raitt page.
George Emmett Raitt (1894-1966)
George Emmett was the second son of James Thomas Raitt and Eva Brockett. He was born in California on 26 May 1894 and died in Orange County on 30 December 1966. He married Jessie Eugenie Qusisno who had been born on 15 September 1891 in Illinois and who died on 4 November 1983 in San Francisco. The couple had four daughters: Janet K., 1918; Ellen V., 1919; Dorothy E., 1923; and Marjorie, 1928. On 3 September 1949, George married Harriet Johnson, born 1912, and with her had a son named also George Emmett Raitt born 1951.
In the 1920 census for Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona are George E. Raitt, 26, teacher; wife Jessie, 20, born Illinois; children: Janet, 2, born Arizona; and Ellen, 6 months, born California.
In the 1930 census for Santa Ana, Orange, California we find G. Emmett Raitt, 35, physician in general practice; wife Jessie Q, 38; children: Janet K., 12; Ellen V., 10; Dorothy E., 6; and Marjorie, nearly 3, born Idaho.
In the same city in 1940 are G. Emmett Raitt, 45; medical doctor; wife Jessie, 47; daughters: Ellen V., 20, born California; Dorothy, 16, born California; and Margery, 12, born Idaho.
George Emmett Raitt (1951-)
George Emmett was the only son of George Emmett Raitt and was born 26 May 1951 to his father’s second wife Harriet Johnson. He married Michelle M. Lorenzen, born 24 July 1956 in Los Angeles County, on 10 June 1978 in Los Angeles and they had two sons: Donovan Emmett, born 16 November 1982 in Los Angeles; and Alexander Brockett, 1988. Like his cousins Bonnie, David and Steven Raitt, Donovan is also a successful musician (see Illustrious Raitts - Entertainers).
Ralph J. Raitt (1903-1990)
Ralph, with his twin brother Roy, was born on 16 March 1903 in Santa Ana. Roy died in 1905, but Ralph lived until 30 October 1990 when he died in Santa Ana. He married Alice Marshal in the late nineteen twenties - she was born on 31 October 1902 in Colorado and died on 19 June 1974 in Ventura, California. they had two sons: Ralph James, 1929; and Thomas Marshall, 1931.
In the 1930 census for Santa Ana, we find Ralph Raitt, 27, manager in a creamery; wife Alice, 27 and son Ralph J., 8 months.
In the 1940 census for Fullerton, Orange, California we find Ralph Raith, 37, business manager; wife Alla, 37; sons: Ralph J. J., 11; and Thomas W., 9
Ralph James Raitt jnr born on 9 February 1929 in Orange County, died on 12 Dec 2000 in Los Angeles. He had married Imogene Tipton on 14 February 1953. His brother, Thomas Marshall, born on 2 February 1931 in Orange County, died on 27 September 2003 in Saint Paul Park, Washington County, Minnesota. With his wife Elizabeth, he had two children Mark and David. He was an ordained Presbyterian minister and taught religious studies at the College of Wooster in Wooster, Ohio for many years.
George Raitt (1791-1872)
George Raitt was the second son of Thomas Raitt and Elisabeth Thoms and was born on 11 February 1791 in Glen Isla, Angus. He emigrated to America about 1817 and became a US citizen on 7 February 1832, residence Bovina, where he was a farmer, and died in Delhi, Delaware County, New York on 22 April 1872. He married Helen Bower Lenox (Lennox) about 1825 in New York State. Helen was born on 12 April 1805 in Trinity Gask, Perthshire and died in Delhi on 1 October 1882. George and Helen had eight children between 1829-1845: Jane, 1829; Elizabeth, 1830; George Downing, 1833; Lilias, 1835; William James; Helen, 1840; Catherine Amelia, 1842; and Jeannette Gibson, 1845.
The 1855 New York State census from Franklin, Delaware County has George Raitt, aged 64, a farmer, born Scotland; wife Hellen, 49, born Scotland; children: George, 22, a farmer; Lilie E., 18; Hellen, 15; Catharine A., 12; and Jennette G, 10 - all born Delaware.
In the 1860 census, the family is residing at Meredith, Delaware County. George Raitt, 69, farmer, born Scotland; wife Helen B., 54, born Scotland; children: George, 25, farmer; Helen A., 19, school teacher; Kate A, 16, student; and Jennett, 14.
In the 1870 census the family has moved to Unadilla, Otsego County, New York where George Raitt is 79 (surname given as Raith), no occupation given; Hellen is 63; Hellen A. is 25; Kate is 22; and Jenette G is 20. Everyone is listed as being born in Scotland.
George Downing Raitt (1833-1875)
George was the third child and first son of George Raitt and Helen Lennox and was born about 1833 or 1834 in Delaware County, New York. In his book Nathan S. Raitt notes that George Downing had the appellation Jnr after his name, as evidenced by a bible inscribed thus given to him by his father in 1858, and also a Civil War draft notice dated 24 August 1865 stating that George D. Raitt, Jnr is adequate evidence that Downing was the original emigrant George’s middle name. However, the birth extract for George Rait in 1791 does not mention Downing as a middle name. It may have come from the maiden name of a maternal relative, or it may have come as the Stilson did in Nathan Stilson Raitt from a friend or colleague in America. It may also be a corruption of Denning or Dunning. Possibly coincidentaly, it appears that his sister Jane, the eldest child of George Raitt and Helen Lennox married a James H. Downing! George died in Afton, Chenango County, New York on 24 October 1875. He married Jane Fisher around 1860. She was born in Delaware County on 3 November 1840 and died in Broome County, New York on 18 August 1837. The couple had three children: Fanny, 1861; Burton Clark, 1865; and George Downing, 1869.
In the 1855 New York and the 1860 censuses, George Raitt was living with his parents at home in Delaware County, where he was a farmer.
In the 1870 census for Afton, Chenango, New York, George Raitt, a farmer aged 36 living with his wife, Jane, 29, who was keeping house; and children Fanny, 8; Bartch C., 5 - both at school; and George D., 6 months.
In the 1875 New York census, the family was still in Afton. George Raitt, 40, farmer; Jane, 34 - both born Delaware; and children: Fannie J., 13; Burton, 10; and George D., 17 - all born Chenango.
Burton Clark Raitt (1865-1908)
Burton was the second child and first son of George Downing Raitt and Jane Fisher. He was born on 12 January 1865 in Afton and died on 20 May 1908 in Erie, Pennsylvania. He married Ida Sophronia Hosford on 1 February 1888 in Erie. Ida was from Friendsville, Pennsylvania where she was born on 12 October 1865. A descendant, having seen this entry on the site, has informed me that Ida was a lineal descendant of Mayflower Pilgrim, Stephen Hopkins as well as Thomas and son, Joseph, Rogers. Ida's father, Jeremiah Hosford (1832-1887), was the son of Julius Curtis Hosford and Esther Minerva Wickham who married in 1831. It is Esther Wickham's ancestry that can be followed to Pilgrim Stephen Hopkins. She died aged 35 on 12 July 1889 in Binghampton, Broome, New York. She and Burton had four children: Christine, 1889; Irene, 1890; George H., 1893; and Esther, 1895. Ida, together with her four children, was baptised on 11 March 1896 in Great Bend, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania.
In the 1880 census, Burton Rate, age 15, is living in Windsor, Broome County, New York together with his widowed mother Jane, 39; and siblings Fanny, 18; and George D. 10 - all born New York State.
In the 1900 census for Binghamton Ward 2, Broome County, Burton Raitt, 35, is a widowed salesman living with his children: Christine, 11; Irene, 9; George H., 7; and Esther, 5 - the first three at school.
George Hosford Raitt (1893-1915)
George Hosford was the only son of Burton Clark Raitt and Ida Hosford, born May 1893 in Erie, PA. He died of tubercolosis on 4 April 1915 aged 21, and was buried in Binghamton, Broome, New York. His maternal grandmother Ellen Stone, Hosford attended the funeral.
In the 1910 census for Erie Ward 4, Erie, Pennsylvania, George H. Raitt, 16, is living in the household of his brother-in-law clerk Adolph Claus, 34, newly married husband of George’s sister Irene, 19. Also in the household are their siblings Christine, 21 and Esther, 15; and grandmother Ellen Hosford, 73 (the mother of Ida who died in 1899)
George Downing Raitt (1869-1909)
George Downing Raitt was the youngest child of George Downing Raitt and Jane Fisher. He was born on 1 December 1869 in Afton, Chenango, New York and died of pneumonia complications on 23 June 1909 in Unadilla, Otsego, New York. He was initially a farmer, but also later a store owner and printer and publisher. On 18 June 1896 he married Tacy Rebecca Bentz in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Tacy had been born on 19 April 1872 in Lebanon, Pennsylvania and died in Cincinnati, Ohio on 17 June 1934. She bore George four sons: Lelan Stewart, 1899 (died aged one month); Richard George, 1901; James Dehuff, 1902; and Nathan Stilson, 1906.
In his early days and before he married Tacy, George owned a successful hatters and men’s furnishers, called Raitt & Co at 708, Cumberland Street in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Later, George was the publisher of the Unadilla Times and when he died, his wife, Tacy, continued publishing it for another sixteen years - a rare event in the male-dominated newspaper industry.
In the 1900 census for Unadilla, Otsego, New York, George D. Raitt, 30, printer and publisher, born New York is living with his wife, Tacy, 28, born Pennsylvania.
Richard George Raitt (1901-1972)
Richard was the second son of George D. Raitt and Tacy Bentz, born in Unadilla on 22 June 1901, and dying in Elmira, New York on 7 April 1972. He married Katherine Miller on 2 November 1929 and had three children with her: Joan, 1930; Gordon Miller, 1933; Richard George, 1936. The couple were divorced in 1944 and Richard subsequently married Capitola Bond, who died on 30 October 1978 in Elmira, New York, and had another son: Jeb Bond Raitt born 1952.
Richard joined an upper class ladies wear department store after graduation, gaining
valuable fashion experience and becoming a successful buyer of women’s apparel and
accessories. A promotion took him to New York where he made a name for himself as
an expert merchandiser and buyer for ladies wear. He moved next to St Louis, then
to Cincinnati and finally to Rochester, New York. Always wanting to own his own store,
in 1938 he purchased the leading fashion store of Gorton Coy on the corner of Main
Street and Water Street in Elmira, New York after securing a long term lease. He
sold the store in 1955. See also Raitt Anecdotes at bottom.
In the 1910 census for Unadilla, Richard G. Raitt, is 8 and living with his widowed mother Tacy, age 35, newspaper editor; and siblings James D., 7 and Nathan S., 3 - all boys born in New York State.
In the 1920 census, the family is still in Unadilla where mother Tacy, 47, is still an editor. The boys, now aged 18, 17 and 13, have no occupation.
In the 1930 census Richard G. Raitt, 28, had moved to East Orange, Essex, New Jersey where he was living with his just married wife, Katherine, and working in a department store.
In 1935 the family was residing in Cincinnati, Ohio.
In the 1940 census for Elmira, Chemung, New York we find G. Richard Ratt, 38, manager in a retail store; wife Katherine, 35; children Joan, 9; Gordon, 6; and Richard, 3.
Gordon Miller Raitt (1933-1955)
Gordon was born on 16 April 1933 presumably either in New Jersey or Ohio. He died on 5 May 1955 in Laredo, Texas when, in training as an Air Force pilot, his jet-trainer plane crashed. He married Janice Bantleon, probably about 1954, and she gave birth to a son Garth Gordon born 14 September 1955 in New York State (after her husband had died). Garth died on 30 June 1982 in Austin, Travis, Texas, though his family details are not yet known.
Richard George Raitt (1936-?)
Richard was the second son of his namesake father and Katherine Miller. He was born on 25 August 1936 and apparently married on 1 August 1959. No other information has yet been found.
Jeb Bond Raitt (1952-)
Jeb Bond Raitt was born 28 February 1952 in Elmira, New York, the son of Richard George Raitt and his second wife Capitola Bond. He married Catherine Edwards Willis on 9 May 1981. She was born in November 1950 in Charleston, West Virginia and the couple had two children: Richard; and Charles Edward St George, born 1988.
James Dehuff Raitt (1902-1995)
James was the third son of George D. Raitt and Tacy Bentz, born in Unadilla on 19 September 1902. He was named after his godfather, Jacob Dehuff. He married Doris Anne Cogswell on 22 June 1929 and had three children with her: George Downing, 1933; Marcia Anne, Gordon Miller, 1944; and Susan Arlene, 1946. Doris was born on 4 July 1905 in Binghampton, Broome, New York and died in Moodus, Middlesex, New York on 8 February 1996, just a couple of months after her husband there on 24 December 1995.
Working first as timekeeper and assistant to the engineer on railroad construction until late 1920, James then worked in his mother’s newspaper and printing office for a year. After going to university in Iowa and then New York, he took up a position with a company building and operating modern service stations. After several different positions he was eventually made redundant and had a number of temporary jobs before being re-employed in the oil business where he remaind until he retired in 1966.
In the 1930 census for Binghamton, Broome, New York James Raitt, 27, manager of an oil company, is living with his wife Doris Ann, 24.
In 1935 the families residence was Springfield, Massachusetts.
In the 1940 census for Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts we find James D. Raitt, 37, chief clerk; wife Anne, 35; son George D., 7; and mother-in-law Allie M. Cogswell, 72.
No information has yet been found on son George Downing Raitt.
Nathan Stilson Raitt (1906-1988)
Nathan was the fourth son of George D. Raitt and Tacy Bentz, born in Unadilla on 24 August 1906. He was named for an ancestor who was one of the first settlers in Delaware County, New York. He died in Venice, Sarasota, Florida on 29 July 1988. He married three times - first on 5 April 1928 to Edna Louise Dotman, born about 1908 in New York State, and with whom he had his only child, a daughter, Rita Rebecca, born 6 September 1937 in Richmond, Virginia.
Trained as an accountant, Nathan began his career with Navy service, then in electric utility construction, later with a department store. A Naval Reservist, he re=entered the Navy shortly after Pearl Harbour as a Chief Yeoman and was involved in the formation of the Naval Construction Battalions - the Seabees. He continued on active duty until 1952, his last assignment being Personnel Officer at the Naval Airforce Base in Norfolk, Virginia. After various civilian appointments in Virginia he moved to Florence, Venice.
Besides his interest in the Raitt family history and his research (without the benefit of the internet) which culminates in his book The Scottish Raitts: Their Places and People, published in 1988, Nathan also wrote another small pamphlet in 1893 entitled The Navy Seabees: Their Early Days giving an account of his service with them during the 2nd World War. His travels in Scotland in search of his roots is giving a passing mention in a little book entitled Land of Castles in the chapter on Rait Castle (see under Rait Castle Owners.)
In the 1910 census for Unadilla, Nathan S. Raitt, is 8 and living with his widowed mother Tacy, age 35, newspaper editor; and siblings Richard G., 8; and James D., 7 - all boys born in New York State.
In the 1920 census, Nathan Raitt is still in Unadilla where mother Tacy, 47, is still an editor. Her sons now aged 18, 17 and 13 (Nathan), have no occupation.
In the 1930 census for Johnson City, Broome, New York Nathan S. Raitt, 24, construction clerk, is living with his wife Edna L., 22, sales lady.
In 1935, their residence was Richmond, Henrico, Virginia.
In the 1940 census for Washington, DC, Nathan S. Raitt, 33, clerk, was a lodger and single. His former wife, Edna, 31, sales lady, and daughter Rita, 2, were living in the household of Edna’s brother-in-law Robert Beardsley in Union, Broome, New York.
John Raitt (1789-1864)
John Raitt was born on 25 May 1789 in Dykehead, Craigie, Glen Isla, Angus. He died in Bovina, Delaware County, New York on 13 January 1864. He emigrated to the United States about 1817 and became a US citizen on 4 October 1831, giving his residency as Bovina, New York. He was a farmer and married Catherine Shaw a years or so before 1824. Catherine was born about 1788 in Scotland (Perthshire according to her gravestone - though the date does not tally with records) and died on 10 February 1854 in Bovina. The couple had four children: Joseph Shaw (1824), Helen (1820), Elizabeth (1823) and Mary (abt 1826) - all born in Bovina.
Although in principle the family should be in the 1820, 1830 and 1840 censuses, they have not yet been located. I have also not repeated the census information for earlier years after a son had left home.
In the 1850 census for Bovina, John Raitt, born Scotland, is a farmer aged 61, with wife Catharine, born Scotland, aged 61, and son Joseph, aged 25, also born Scotland.
In the 1855 census for Bovina, we find John Raitt, born Scotland, farmer aged 66, with son Joseph, aged 30, farmer born Delaware; daughter(-in-law) Mary, 29, born Delaware; and grandchildren John S. Raitt, 2; and William F. Raitt, 5 months - both born Delaware.
In the 1860 census for Bovina, we find John Raitt, born Scotland, farmer aged 71, in the household of son Joseph S., aged 35, farmer born New York; wife Mary, 34 born New York; and children John S. Raitt, 8; and William F. Raitt, 6; Thomas W., 4; and Walter S., 1 - all born New York.
Joseph Shaw Raitt (1824-1910)
John Shaw Raitt, son of John Raitt and Catharine Shaw, was born in Bovina on 10 December 1824, dying at Hamden, Delaware County, New York on 16 March 1910. He married Mary Forrest (1825-1884) from Bovina in 1852 in New York State - probably in Bovina. They had six children - all boys - between 1853-1864: John Shaw, 1853; William Forrest, 1855; Thomas Wilson, 1856; Walter Scott, 1858-1861; Henry Lee, 1861; and George T., 1864.
In the 1870 census for Bovina, farmer Joseph is 45; wife Mary is 44 and keeping house; and also there are sons John, 17, William, 15; Wilson, 14; Henry, 10; and George, 6.
By the time of the 1875 New York census, Joseph S. had moved to Hamden, Delaware, New York where he is a 50 and a farmer (the name is incorrectly given as Rate.) In the household are wife Mary, 50; sons Wm F., 20; Wilson T., 18; Henry L., 14; and George T., 11. Also there is Mary Jane Forest, 21, niece, domestic servant
In the 1880 census, for Hamden, Delaware, New York - Joseph is 54, a farmer; wife Mary is also 54 and keeping house - both sets of parents born in Scotland; and still there are sons Wilson T., 23; Henry, 19; and George, 16 - the three boys work on the farm.
In the 1892 New York census, Joseph S. was still in Hamden, Delaware, New York where he is a 68 year old farmer.
In the 1900 census, Joseph S. Pait (sic) is back in Bovina, age 75, a widower and farm labourer, both parents born Scotland, living with his farmer son Wilson T., 42; Lucy T., 42, his wife of 16 years, born New York; and their son George F., 19, who was at school. Lucy had given birth to two children during her marriage, but one had died at some point.
John Shaw Raitt (1853-1930)
John was the eldest son of Joseph Raitt and Catherine Shaw - he was born 17 June 1853 in Delaware County (probably Bovina) and died on 8 January 1930 in Nevada. He married Rosalie Marasse (born October 1858 in Germany) in 1888 in Wadsworth, Nevada, where their son, Bert George was born a year later. Daughter Mary J. followed in 1894.
John was at home in Bovina in 1870; but where he was in 1880 and 1890 is not known yet, though probably Wadsworth, Nevada in 1890.
In the 1900 census for Wadsworth, Washoe, Nevada is John S. Raitt, 46, engineer, born New York; wife Rosalie, 41, born Germany; and children: Bertie G., 10, at school; and Mary J., 3 - both born Nevada.
In the 1910 census for Sparks Ward 1, Washoe, Nevada, John S. Raitt is 56, railroad engineer, born New York; wife Rosalie is 51, born Germany; and Mary J. is 15. Also in the household is Rose Arnstein, 62, a widow and sister of Rosalie.
In the 1920 census for Sparks, Washoe, Nevada, John S. Raitt is 65, locomotive engineer, born New York; wife Rosalie is 61, born Germany; and daughter Mary is 25 and a school teacher.
Bert George Raitt (1889-1953)
Bert was born on 12 September 1889 in Wadsworth, Nevada - the only son of John Shaw Raitt and Rosalie Marasse. He married Florence, born on 21 May 1892 in Ohio and who died in September 1965 in New York. They had two children: Jack, 1915; and Virginia, 1918 - both born in Nevada. Bert was employed as a conductor with Southern Pacific and was drafted during World War 1.
In the 1920 census for Sparks, Washoe, Nevada, Bert G. Raitt, is 28, conductor on railroad; wife Florence, born Ohio, is 27; Jack is 5; and Virginia is 2.
In the 1930 census for Sparks, Washoe, Nevada we find Burk S. Raita (!), 40, conductor on steam railroad; and his wife Florence V., 38, born Ohio; and their two children Jack, 15; and Virginia, 12 - both born Nevada. They are in the household of his mother Rosalia J S Raita, 71, widow.
In 1935 the family appears to be in Reno, Nevada.
In 1940 census the family is still in Sparks, Washoe, Nevada - Bert G. Raitt is now 51, still a conductor; wife Florence is 47; and daughter Virginia is 21, still a teacher. They were also there in 1944.
In 1940 son Jack Raitt, 25, is a bookkeeper, married and living in San Francisco, California with wife Dorthea (Karene), 25, born Iowa,. In 1935 Jack was living in San Diego and Dorthea in De Moins, Iowa - they were presumably not married at this time.
William Forrest Raitt (1855-1928)
Son of Joseph Shaw Raitt and Mary Forrest, born 7 January 1855, in Bovina, Delaware, New York, died 25 January 1928 in Derry, Rockingham, new Hampshire. He married Emma Smythe Wilson in 1886 - she was born on 14 August 1868 in New Hampshire and died in Derry, Rockingham in July 1968. The couple had seven children: Vernon Charles, 1887; Grace Velma, 1891; Hazel M., 1893; Myrtle Blanche, 1898; Olga Clair, 1900; Mildren C., 1903; and Lorraine Estelle, 1914.
In the 1900 census for Dunbarton, Merrimack, New Hampshire is William A. Raitt, 43, carpenter, born New York; wife Emma S., 32, born New Hampshire; and children Vernon C., 12; Grace V., 8; Hazel M., 7; Myrtle, 2; and a babe in arms - all born New Hampshire.
In the 1910 census for Derry, Rockingham, New Hampshire is Wm F. Raitt, 51, working in a saw mill; wife Emma S., 40; and children Vernon C., 12, clerk in a rail road office; Velma G., 18, telephone clerk; Hazel M., 16; Myrtle B., 11; Olga C., 1900; and Mildred C., 1903 - all born New Hampshire.
In the 1920 census, the whole family is still in Derry with a new addition, Lorraine E., 6.
Vernon Charles Raitt (1887-1972)
William Forrest Raitt’s only son, Vernon Charles Raitt, born 19 June 1887 was drafted into the First World War, as well as the Second World War in 1942. On his WW2 draft card the person to contact is given as Mae Dolores Raitt (his wife), though in the censuses she is given as Dolores M.
In 1930, Vernon Raitt was living in Lawrence, Essex, Massachusetts, age 41 and a clerk for a steam railroad; with his wife Dolores M., 37, a telephone operator, born New Hampshire.
In 1940 the couple were at the same place (as they were in 1935), Vernon Raitt, age 52, still a clerk with the railroad; and Dolores, 47, still a telephone operator in a packing house.
Wilson Thomas Raitt (1856-1937)
Born in Delaware County on 17 June 1856 to Joseph Shaw Raitt and Mary Forrest, Wilson Thomas, the third son, married Lucy Daw in 1884. She was born on 16 May 1857 in Hampton, New York and died on 5 December 1931 in Grand Bay, Mobile, Alabama. Wilson died in the same place on 14 July 1937. The couple had a son George F. in 1885 in New York State. (His mother’s name on his death record is Terry).
In the New York census for Walton, Delaware County, New York, 1892, there is Wilson J. Raitt, 35, a quarryman; wife Lucy, 34; and son George F., aged 6.
In the 1900 census for Bovina, Delaware County, New York is Wilson T., 42, farmer; Lucy T., 42, his wife of 16 years, born New York; and their son George F., 19, who was at school. Also in the household is Wilson’s father Joseph S. Raitt, 75, a widower and farm labourer. Lucy had given birth to two children during her marriage, but one had died at some point - presumably shortly after birth around 1887-1889.
Living in Beat 5, Forrest, Mississippi in 1920 is Wilson Raitt, 60, farmer born New York; wife Lucy, 55, born New York; and son George, 32, farm labourer, also born New York.
By 1930 the family had moved to Grand Bay, Mobile, Alabama - Wilson T. Raitt was 72 and presumably retied as no occupation is given; Lucy is 72; and George F. is 35 working as a labourer in an orchard farm.
George F. Raitt (1885-1944)
In the 1940 census for Grand Bay and C H Dees Store, Mobile, George F. Raitt is a farmer, single, aged 54. He was also there in 1935.
Henry Lee Raitt (1862-1935)
Henry was the fifth son of Joseph Raitt and Mary Forrest, born in Delaware County on 18 May 1862 (or possibly 1861?). He died on 9 April 1935, probably in Walton, Delaware.
In 1900 census for Walton, Delaware, New York, Henry L. Raitt is 38, a slater, living in the household of his younger brother George T. Raitt and family. Where he was in 1910 is not yet known - probably still Walton.
In the 1920 census for Walton, Delaware, New York, Henry Raitt, 59, painter, is living with his cousin Catherine Fisher, 79 (whose parents were from Scotland) and her brother Thomas H. Clark, and sister Ella M. Clark.
In the 1930 census for Walton, Delaware, New York, Henry Raitt, 67, riveter, is a roomer.
George Telford Raitt (1864-1943)
Youngest son of Joseph Raitt and Mary Forrest, born 22 March 1864 in Delaware County, New York, George died on 29 November 1943 in Broome County, New York. He married Margaret Weaver on 12 August 1891 in Andes, Delaware County, New York and they had three children: Lillian, 1892; Everett Jason., 1896; and William Donald, 1904. Margaret was born in New York State in January 1866 and died in Broome County, New York on 30 August 1943.
In 1900 census for Walton, Delaware, New York, George T. Raitt is 36, a plumber, living with his wife Margaret, 34, born New York; and two children Lillian, 8; and Everett J., 4 - both born New York. Also in the household is elder brother Henry L. Raitt, 38, a slater.
In 1910 census for Union, Broome, New York, is George F. Raitt is 44, a plumber, living with his wife Margaret 42; and children Mary L., 17; Everett J., 13; and William D., 6 - all born New York. Also in the household is sister-in-law Damaris Davis, 52. The family was also there in 1935.
In 1920 in Union, Broome, New York, George T. Raitt, 56, plumber, is living with wife Margaret J. Raitt, 54; and children Lillian, 26, stenographer; Everett J., 23, shipping clerk; and Donald, 15. Also in the household is Damaris Davis, 64, sister-in-law.
In 1930 in Endicott, Broome, New York is George T. Raitt, 65, plumber; wife Margaret, 64; sons Everett J., 34, salesman in a shoe factory; and Donald, 26, bookkeeper. Also in the household is sister-in-law Damaris Davis, 74 and cousin Sarah Ackerly, 85.
In 1940, back in Union, we find George Raitt, 76, still a plumber; and wife Margaret, 73.
Everett Jason Raitt (1896-1971)
Everett was the eldest son of George Telford Raitt and Margaret Weaver, born in May 1896 in New York State. He died in Endicott, Broome County on 22 June 1971. He married Helen Wells, born 4 July 1900 in New York State, and dying on 16 December 1975 also in Endicott.
Living in Union, Broome in 1940, there is Everett Raith, 43, salesman in shoe factory; and wife Helen, 39. They were in the same house at 312 De Hart Street in 1935.
William Donald Raitt (1904-1992)
William was born on 11 March 1904 in New York State and died in Apalchin, Tioga, New York on 6 April 1992. He was the youngest son of George Telford Raitt and Margaret Weaver and married Kathleen about 1935 in Broome County with whom he had two daughters Margaret, 1937 and Rose, 1938. Kathleen was born in New York State on 3 February 1905 and died in Owego, Tioga in March 1977.
In 1940 in Owego, Tioga, New York is Donald Raitt, 36, clerk; wife Kathleen, 35, born New York; and children Margaret, 3 and Rose, 2 - both born New York. In 1935 Donald and Kathleen were residing in Binghamton, Broome, New York.
On the American Raitts page, under New York, and the California Raitts page, as well as on the Angus Raitts page, I have mentioned the Bovina Raitts descended from Thomas Raitt of Glen Isla, Angus who died before 1817. Although I have done quite a lot of additional research into this family, I have been aided by the hard-to-find, out-of-print book by Nathan S. Raitt entitled “The Scottish Raits: Their Places and People”, published in 1988. I had heard of this book long ago, but had been unable to locate a copy (it was missing from the shelves of one Scottish genealogy library I tried!) - but finally a namesake said he had a copy and subsequently sent it to me with the warning that it did not really contain anything pertinent to the Raitts of Hallgreen or other ancestors. However, that is not why I wanted it, I was hoping it would contain more information to add to the website on the ancestors of various American Raitts in New York, California and Florida - and it did - along with a lot of research into the Raitt name, the places, history etc - most of which is also contained in the pages of this website. My own confirmations have enabled me to add to and/or correct some of the details provided by Nathan Raitt - who, in fact, in the genealogy portion of his book, was mainly concerned with his own immediate family line through his great grandfather George Raitt and only superficially with that of his two great uncles John Raitt and Thomas Raitt.
Below I have concentrated on the males who carried the Raitt name forward, though not all had children or were married. Some died young and I have not included their names if they had no separate census entry. Although in the family tree I do, of course, give any Raitt daughters and also, where found, the names of their husbands, I have not (yet) added their children since they do not have the surname Raitt. I have also not traced the ancestors of female spouses. It is worth noting that for this family in particular there were, more so than most, a lot of badly recorded and transcribed names (e.g. Ratt, Rate, Raita, Raith, Rutt, Ruitt, Railt, Roets, Ritt, Riatt, Reitt, Pait) in the various censuses on - I have given the names recorded thus below (except for Christian names), but I have provided the correct spellings to Ancestry for other researchers.
The information below is still not fully complete since I have been unable, as yet, to find some pertinent records pertaining to births, marriages, deaths and even census details. Probably they are misplaced under yet another variation in (mis)spelling of the name! What was also occasionally a problem, again in this particular large family, is that where someone - as was often the case - had two Christian names, they were often later juxtaposed, or else only the second name was used.
Below, I have tried to keep all the descendants of the same family together in birth order under the names of the original sons of Thomas Raitt. Where the son died without issue, or where I cannot find further information about an individual, then they are not included below, although their names will, of course, be included in the tree. In fact, since this page is rather long, as is the family tree, I have elected to put the Bovina Raitts tree on a separate page.
Thomas Raitt (1760s - bef 1817)
The earliest in this line appears to be Thomas Raitt (on marriage he was spelled Rait, and all his children were spelled Raite). He was likely born in the 1760s, probably in Angus, Scotland. He married Elisabeth Thoms on 9 December 1787 in Glen Isla, Angus. She may have been the daughter born about 1769 of John Thoms and Jean Mitchell, who married in Glen Isla in 1762 and who probably also had a son, John, christened in Glen Isla on 12 February 1764.
Glen Isla or Glenisla is the most westerly of the five Angus Glens and sits in the north-west corner on the southern edge of the Grampian Mountains. It comprises six parishes along the River Isla: Glenisla, Kilry and Lintrathen to the north; and, Airlie, Ruthven and Kingoldrum to the south. It borders Glens Shee to the west and Glena Clova to the east. Heather mountains to the north lead down to gentler hills, eventually giving way to rolling pasture and arable land. Glenisla has a diverse land-based industry ranging from game shooting, through stock farming, to cereal and vegetable production. To give the descendants of Thomas Raitt a feel for the area where their first ancestors who went to the United States lived and worked as farmers, I have provided, on a separate page, the Statistical Account for Glenisla (Glen Isla). Since the family emigrated in 1817, then I have not felt it necessary to include the New Statistical Account dated 1842.
Since Glen Isla is not a place associated with Raitt families as far as I know, my assumption is that Thomas was farming there (i.e. probably an agricultural labourer - though he may have been a farmer or crofter in his own right) and thus he may have belonged to one of the other Raitt families farming around the area. A Thomas Rait was born on 29 January 1767 in Dundee to Gilbert Rait and Elisabeth Kier - though the name Gilbert does not seem to have been carried down.
Thomas Raitt and Elisabeth Thoms had six children between 1789-1800 - all born in Glen Isla: John (1789), George (1791), Helen (1793), Thomas (1796), and twins Elizabeth and Margrat (1800). It is almost certain that the boys, like their father, were working on a farm. Sons John and George emigrated to the United States in or before 1817 - clearly not together because John apparently left from Dundee, while George left from Edinburgh. They were followed in 1817 by their mother, Elisabeth, and her son Thomas and daughter Elisabeth - also apparently from Edinburgh. Daughters Helen and Margrat did not emigrate. Into which US port the family entered is not known, but they clearly made their way to Bovina, Delaware County, New York - a town founded in 1820 and named for its dairy cattle industry Although back in Scotland their name had only one t, in America it was spelled with two. Thomas Raitt, the father, had presumably died before 1817 - though the place and date of is death is not known. It may even turn out that he, in fact, emigrated to America before the rest of the family to check it out and thus died there. In any event his wife, presumably a widow, subsequently remarried in America.