Hallgreen Rait tree

Whilst most of the Raits of Hallgreen appear to have stayed in The Mearns (Kincardineshire), some individuals did go a little further afield and became the progenitors of Rait branches in Angus, specifically at Anniston and Cononsyth, Pitforthie and Inverkeilor. Based on these families I have endeavoured to construct the family tree (below) for these original Raits of Hallgreen (starting with Alexander Rait who fled from Nairn to the Mearns after purportedly killing the Thane of Cawdor in 1405) and their descendants based on the information currently available to us. It is incomplete and further details of individuals, spouses and BMD dates and places will be added as I find out about and verify them. More details about several of the men in the family will be found under Religious Raitts.