Raitt relations

The Raitts, of course, married into non-Raitt families and this yielded a whole host of other relations - aunts, uncles, cousins. On this website, I have provided separate pages for most of my Raitt relations; but, in the interests of convenience and ease of finding them within the Scottish and American Raitt pages, I have created this top page with links for them. Details of the families can be found by clicking on the links below. Details are provided on other pages of the Coats of Arms for some of these families related by marriage, as well as those who are more distant relatives.
To give a brief recap. My grandfather William Raitt married Helen Scorgie - her ancestors include the Smiths and Willocks from Kincardineshire and the Kelmans, Sangsters and Lawrences from Banffshire.
The children of William and Helen married into the families of McKee, Carroll, Guest, McAneny, West and Taylor. His youngest son David Raitt, married Aileen Taylor, whose mother Jean Lindsay came from a large Lindsay family and who provides a link to the Ormondes. Her mother and grandmother are, of course, links in the chain for my maternal ancestors who include the names of Drummond, Duncan, Stewart, Mollison, Skair and Wedderburn.
William Raitt’s father David Dorward Raitt (my great grandfather) married Mary Purvis - her ancestors include the Wilkies.
David Dorward Raitt’s two brothers emigrated to the United States in the 1860s and 70s having married into the Crabb (Munro) and Abbott families. Although complete details are not yet provided separately on these two families, information about them, and their American descendants, can be found under the pages for the brothers John Raitt and James Dorward Raitt. One of their two sisters, Elizabeth Dorward Raitt married into the Doig family, while the other, Margaret Phillips Raitt, did not marry.
Their father John Raitt married Elizabeth Dorward - no separate page is yet provided for the Dorwards, nor for the Stormonts who John’s brother Alexander married into; though there is one for the Meikison family - ancestors of John Raitt and his father Alexander.
It is the intention to eventually update and add more information about these families related to the Raitts by marriage.